But what I’m saying is that he’s the definition of “typically” attractive—whatever the hell that actually means.
No offense to him, because I really love the guy, but it’s the person next to him I can’t stop staring at.
Just how Rorysits, cross-legged, his knees poking out from his swim trunks, his nose wrinkling as he says something. Ohh fuck, he justtakesme. A raw heat sizzles up my spine, then across my chest and down to my stomach. I feel it everywhere.
I want to go over there, flop down next to him, under his umbrella, and talk to him. Laugh with him. Revel in his mind-boggling intelligence.
What do you doubt about yourself, Rory? How can you not see how fucking perfect you are to me?
I feel like I could?—
“I hope it’s a good day.” Carter torpedos right into the middle of my thoughts.
I pivot quickly, hot sand sticking to my heels, to see his eyes narrowed thoughtfully on Theo before he turns back to me.
“It will be,” I say. What’s going on with Carter and Theo? Anything? Am I overthinking?
Carter nods, his lips turning into a half-smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes, his jaw tight, his brows drawing together.
He never looks like that. He’s always this big, happy bundle. Total golden retriever energy.
Then he blinks. “Oh,shit, dude. I’m sorry about the room.”
“The room?”
“The, um, single bed?” He scrunches up his nose and then tosses the volleyball back toward the empty net. “When I made the reservation, there was a price increase, and what we had didn’t cover the cost, so I had to cut corners. Anyway, they don’thave any doubles left. Overbooked for spring break, ya know? I, uh… hope things are cool?”
“Yeah,” I say. “I think we’re working it out.”
If I stop randomly jacking off and smothering Rory with my boner in our sleep, then we will be.
He clears his throat. “I hear that.” He squints. “Do you…” He shakes his head.
“What?” I encourage him.
He takes a breath. “Well… do you ever think about how lucky we are that we all met freshman year? There could have been anyone in that study group, and somehow it was the four of us, and maybe it didn’t even really make sense with all of us coming from such different places, but somehow itworked. And here we are now, and I can’t imagine my life without you guys. I just… I love you, dude. And I love Rory. And I love…” He swallows, his gaze moving over toward our beach camp and then back. “I love Theo,” he says quietly.
Wow. The way he said that about Theo.
I’m standing there, looking normal, kinda sweaty from volleyball, the sun warm on my hair and shoulders, but things are changing on the inside. Things are shifting and moving and fluctuating.
He means that. I palm his shoulder. “I love you too, Carter.”
Friends can snuggle.
And friends can say they love each other too. Honestly, we should say it more often. Be grateful for the people in our lives. For the short time we get with them.
Two months and Rory’s gone.
My hand falls. A lot of guys would probably laugh and shrug things off with a joke at that point. But not Carter, because that’s just not the kind of guy he is. Instead, he grins, his eyes lighting.
“Thanks, dude! And I’m so glad we’re all here,” he says. “That we could all make it.”
“Me too.” I push back my curls, warm from the sun. And then something suddenly occurs to me. “Do you and Theo only have one bed too?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“And how’s that?”