Page 20 of Until We Fall

“Uh…” He squints over toward Theo again. “It’s a work in progress?”

I follow his gaze over toward our beach camp. Rory’s sipping out of his straw, his lips pursed, his shoulders twisting toward Theo as they look at something on Theo’s phone.

Rory looks happy right now. I know I can give that to him, but I’m glad someone else can, too.

Why do you doubt yourself, Rory?

What if you could see yourself like I see you?

“Want to head back?” I ask. The thought of being next to Rory lights jitters in my stomach.Butterflies. I’m itching to be with him.

Carter slaps me on the shoulder. “Let’s go. Days like this don’t come around often.”

He’s right.


We spendall day on the beach. We drink, we laugh, we toss the football. We go on a whipped cream slip ‘n slide and make the coolest fucking sandcastle. It’s got a moat and two turrets and a watchtower. Rory is the engineer, and Carter the materials liaison, and Theo the construction coordinator, and me the design expert. We’re pretty damn proud, taking selfies next to it. I post a few in the family chat and get a round of “Holy shit, D! That’s your best one yet!” from my dads and brother.

And itisone of those days. The kind that doesn’t come around often. Rory seems easier again, like this morning’s worries have faded. I don’t know if they actually have, but for a snippet in time, he’s laughing and having fun. And I’d like to hope I’m part of the reason.

Slowly, the sky darkens to a cobalt blue, and neon snaps to life everywhere, with necklaces and bracelets and, well, anything that neon can wrap around—it’s getting pretty risqué out here. Carter snags some for us, and I hook a green one around Rory’s neck, my thumb brushing the bump at the top of his spine as I latch it together.

He shivers at my touch, his shoulders red from the sun, freckles popping out, copper hair shining in the falling sun, gray eyes dark as he glances at me over his shoulder.

I squeeze the push-in clasp. “I’ve almost got it.”

Except, it’s already latched. Like I said, I’m pretty adept with my hands. But his neck is smooth and soft, a freckle just above the collar of his tee, and I just want tostay.

I always want to stay longer, like back at IFU after we’re done studying and my brain is too tired to sort through words anymore, when we’re spread out on my bed chatting and I don’t want him to go back to his room yet.

I squeeze my eyes shut, dragging in the smell of sunblock and sweat and liquor, enjoying the way it feels to graze my fingertips along the nape of his neck, a pulse thumping through my entire body.

“Okay, done,” I say after I can’t delay longer. I have to raise my voice to be heard. We’re crammed together in front of a stage, where some contest is going on, a DJ calling people up for random challenges. Typical spring break stuff, I guess, although I’m not paying much attention. I’m pretty much just staring at Rory, trying to talk to him over the noise, sucking up this time with him like a huge, eager sponge.

“Thanks, D.” He smiles over his shoulder.

“No problem.” I step partway back but bump into someone.

Rory doesn’t seem to notice I’m so close though. He turns, grabs my hand, and then loops a yellow neon bracelet around my wrist, his fingers brushing the inside of my forearm. When it’s clasped, he glances up, a dark red strand of hair clinging to one of his eyelashes. My fingers twitch, but he blinks it away.

Rory, you’re fantastically sexy.

What if I said that?

Green neon lights his chin, and his eyes crinkle at the edges with his smile. There’s a foot between us, the glow of neon in the sunset, so much movement around.

His lips part, like he’s about to say something, when his attention darts over my shoulder.

“Yeah,you,” a voice booms. “The ginger.”

Rory’s eyes widen.

What the fuck?

I glance around to see what’s happening. The DJ on the stage is pointing toward us—atRory—gesturing for him to come up there.

“You with the red hair. Come up here. On the stage.” He points his microphone at Rory. “Thelittleguy.”