"He is not. She stayed on her own accord," Ayden snapped at her. "And either control your temper or leave."

Addy scowled but snapped her mouth shut. Ayden looked at Logan. "Why the sudden interest in her?"

I could see how Addy and Harley tensed, but Logan seemed prepared for the question. He smiled. "She's gorgeous, who wouldn't be interested in her."

Ayden tilted his head. "The same could be said about your two wives."

"I attract a certain type of person," Logan said, still holding that smile.

Ayden's fingers curled, "And where is your last wife? What exactly happened to her?"

Logan scowled. "An accident."

Ayden tilted his head. "And the wife before that? Was that an accident, too? Because when I see strangulation marks, it really makes me question a person."

"What does that have to do with our daughter? It isn't any of your concern. This is a family matter, Ayden, and you shouldn't have butted in."

I took a deep breath in, wanting to slap Addy. How wasn't it? Was she really that heartless not to connect the dots?

"It is my concern," Ayden snapped. "When I have a pack member crying to a beta about something, it calls for my attention." He looked at Logan. "And your request to marry a member of my pack is denied now and in the future. I will not be adding another woman to the list."

Logan bared his teeth at Ayden, but Ayden didn't even seem fazed.

"You do not have a say," Logan growled. "She is an adult."

"An adult who is now living under my protection," Ayden said, looking at all three of them. "If any one of you so much as place a finger on her, I will know."

Logan shoved himself up, the chair smacking on the ground. "You're going to regret that, Ayden."

Ayden pulled himself up. He was a little shorter than Logan, but he still wasn't someone I would fuck with. "You best rethink about that, Logan. You better watch yourself and your behavior because I don't think you want to make waves between the two packs."

Logan turned, storming out of the room, and we looked towards Addy and Harley.

"She's fine," I said, looking between the two. "No thanks to you, though."

Addy smirked. "Says the man that shattered her entire world."

I just glared, hating how they had that over me.

Ayden placed his hands on the table. "He's the one keeping your daughter safe, so how about thanking him instead of trying to hand her over to someone who likes to choke women for a sport."

"He doesn't," Addy said, rolling her eyes. "Do you really think we would throw our daughter at a man like that?"

Ayden leaned back. "This meeting is over."

"What about our daughter?" Harley asked.

"She's free," Ayden said. "But if you guys so much as make her feel uncomfortable, I'll be sure that the money you have left is useless to you."

Ayden headed for the door, and I pulled myself up. I stood still for a moment, wanting to yell at them, but I didn't. They weren't my concern. Ashley was.

Chapter 13 - Ashley

I sipped my coffee, staring at Miles across the table. I didn't really know him, but I'd seen him a few times when I went to our town festivals. Ayden had the entire crew working, meaning I'd seen them all.

Miles looked up from his phone. "You're still glaring."

"Because I’m angry he left me here,” I said.