Annabelle? He glared at Jane, who just rolled her eyes. Ethan wrote Annabelle’s name on the longer list of potential suspects.
Vanessa nodded. “He was cheating on Annabelle too. While I hated her for going out with him, I know she wouldn’t kill him.”
“Let me decide that, okay?” He looked expectantly at her.
“I can’t think of anyone else, Sheriff,” said Vanessa.
Ethan stood, put his notebook back in his pocket and placed his hat back on his head. “Thank you, Vanessa. I’ll be in touch ifI have any more questions. If you think of anything to add, call me.”
She walked him to the door. “Will do, Sheriff, thank you.”
As Ethan stepped out into the still overcast day, he glanced back at Jane, who was enjoying another cookie, and pointed his finger at her. “You stay out of this investigation and trouble,” he gruffly warned.
Jane smirked. “No promises, Sheriff.”
“Please don’t make me regret not bringing you down to the station.”
She shook her head and shrugged. “The only thing I’m guilty of is gliding through a yellow light.”
Ethan just shook his head.
Wherever Jane went, trouble seemed to follow. He’d keep a closer eye on her for sure.
Yup. That’s what he’d do. It had nothing to do with her prickly attitude, nose for trouble, and sweet lips. Not at all.
As he walked to his truck, he had leads to follow up on and a murder to solve that hopefully didn’t involve anyone else he knew.
But like his father used to say, there were no guarantees in life.
Jane grabbed a table at the Harvest Moon midmorning. The cozy diner buzzed with the familiar sounds of clinking dishes and muted conversations. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and apple pie caused her stomach to growl. Had she eaten breakfast this morning? No.
Clarence needed Bucky’s help at the house today, which was perfect timing. She couldn’t believe her luck when Victor passed her on the street the other day and asked her out for a cup of coffee. She was excited to see him again. Jane wasn’t sure he remembered her since they only met that once at the Feed & Grow.
Leah finished her shift and stopped by to say hello on her way out.
Flo set down a steaming cup of coffee in front of her. The aroma was rich and inviting.
“By yourself today, sweetie?” she asked with a warm smile.
Jane shook her head. “No, I’m waiting for a friend. If you see a tall, handsome man come in, send him over.”
“I’m assuming you’re not referring to the sheriff,” teased Flo with a twinkle in her eye.
Jane could feel the heat starting at her forehead and creeping down to her cheeks. Oh goodness, did everyone in town know that she and the sheriff were knocking heads? That wasn’t embarrassing—no sirree.
If only Ethan wasn’t such a stick in the mud, she might consider going out with him. Since he was unlikely to ever change, that wasn’t going to happen. Although he was dedicated, family-oriented, well-liked by the community, smart and kind of good-looking if you were into the tall, dark and handsome kind—which she was.
“Ha ha.” Jane rolled her eyes.
Flo chuckled, patted her on the shoulder, and went off to help other customers.
Jane took a sip of the rich brew and reflected on how shocked Ethan was when he saw her at Vanessa’s house. Did he honestly assume she would let his accusations slide without defending herself? She was a mystery writer, after all, and knew a few things ordinary people didn’t know about investigations and crime.
For instance, if Ethan had any solid proof she killed Thornton, she’d most likely be in jail right now.
Sure, she might be a suspect, but so were Vanessa, Annabelle and Jim Jenkins. And whoever else wanted Thornton gone. By all accounts, he was an unpleasant man. She wondered what drew Vanessa and Annabelle to him. Maybe he was different around them.