Page 31 of Exposure of Murder

“Oh, Vanessa, we know each other,” Jane said.

“Oh good,” Vanessa replied. “Sheriff, why don’t you have a seat? Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“Sounds good.”

Ethan took a chair across from Jane. “What the hell are you doing here?” he hissed.

He heard Vanessa in the kitchen getting a cup for him and resisted the urge to shoo the nosy woman sitting across from him out of the house.

Jane gave him a small smile. “Helping to clear my name, since you seem to think I killed David Thornton.”

“This is an ongoing official police investigation. Not a scene from one of your books.”

She put her hand to her heart. “I’m crushed, Sheriff. But I’m not here in any official capacity, just as a friend.”

“Humph. I don’t…” Ethan leaned in to say more.

“Here you go, Sheriff,” said Vanessa, handing him a cup of coffee. “Cream and sugar on the coffee table. Oh, please help yourself to some cookies.”

“Thank you, Vanessa.” He settled back into the chair. “Do you have any idea why I came to see you?”

She bit her lip and nodded. “Jane was just filling me in on what happened and the rumors swirling around.”

Ethan gave Jane a dirty look. He’d deal with the meddling woman later.

“I didn’t kill David. I hated him for what he did to me, but I would never kill him or any other person,” said Vanessa.

Wasn’t that what all killers said?

“He was murdered a week ago,” he said. “The coroner thinks it was at night. Do you have an alibi for the past week?”

“Hmmm.” Vanessa thought for a moment. “I’m usually at the bakery until late. I have to say, Sheriff, I’m too tired at the end of the day to kill anyone. Besides, my daughter has been staying here while some renovations are being done at her place. You can ask her.”

“I will. Do you know if Thornton had any enemies? Anyone who might have wanted him dead?”

Vanessa’s eyes flickered with hesitation. “David was a complicated man. I loved him, but he was always getting intoarguments and stirring up trouble, especially about Jane’s land. He just couldn’t let that sale go, for some reason.”

Ethan nodded, writing notes in a small leather notebook. He looked over at Jane, who was taking a bite of cookie. “Jane, anything you’d like to add?”

Jane put her finger to her cheek and widened her eyes. “Ah, you might want to look into his associates rather than innocent people.”

Hoo boy, that woman was merciless. He almost grinned—almost.

“Vanessa, can you think of anyone else who had a grudge against Thornton?”

“Well, Jim Jenkins was mighty angry with him.”

Good lord. Was the whole town involved in this mess? “Why Jim?”

“Jim and I were in an on-and-off relationship for a long time. When David came back to town, I broke up with Jim. He was furious and threatened to kill David. But that was all posturing.”

Ethan blew out his breath. “When was this?”

“Ah, a couple of months ago. But David left town for a while on business, and I know Jim cooled down.”

“Okay. Anyone else?” Ethan sighed. This was like pulling teeth.

“Well, Annabelle did. Right, Vanessa?” Jane piped up.