“I’m sure. Never doubt my word, Jane.”
She stepped into her room. Ethan waited until she settled in, pulling the blankets up to her chin. He glanced around for a chair, spotted one in the corner.
“Will … will you hold me?” she asked.
Hold her? “Of course.” Ethan got on top of the blanket and lay down. He pulled her into his arms, and she sighed.
“Thank you.”
“Oh sweetheart, you never have to thank me for looking out for you.”
Ethan stayed like that until her breathing became slow and steady. She was asleep. He should get up.
But first, maybe he’d close his eyes for a just second. It wasn’t hard imagining having his arms around Jane for the rest of his life.
Ethan shifted in bed,enjoying the warmth of the sun on his face. It felt familiar and comforting, like home. As he brushed a stray lock of hair from his face, he smiled and made a mental note to tell Jane how comfortable the bed was. But then, confusion set in …why did he have hair on his face?His hair was short. It never got in his eyes before.
Suddenly, he felt a warm body snuggled into his side.
Panic shot through his body as he opened one eye, then the other. His pulse quickened, and each beat of his heart echoedin his ears. How the hell did he end up under the covers? With Jane? And why did he have his arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders while her ass was snuggled, pressed right up against … his very hard cock? Blood rushed to his face in embarrassment, but also a deep desire surged through his veins.
Had she noticed?
Thank God. She was snoring softly, and he prayed he could slip out of bed without waking her. Sleeping with Jane was not what he expected when he lay down to comfort her last night.
Ethan’s mind raced as he gently moved his arm from her shoulders. Her body shifted. He froze. Waited.
He was relieved she hadn’t woken up. Then he started inching his way over to the edge of the bed, holding his breath when the bed creaked beneath him.
She slept on peacefully.
Finally, he slipped out of the bed and found comfort in the thought that they were still fully clothed.
His heart still pounded as he took one last look at Jane and gently pulled the covers over her partially uncovered—very sweet—ass. The sight sent conflicting emotions through him. What would happen if he just got back into bed to hold her? Maybe make love to her?
No, he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. When Jane asked him to stay with her last night, she hadn’t invited him into her bed like that.
Yet here he was this morning, in this predicament. Ethan felt a rush of heat on his face. He had to get out of here before he embarrassed them both.
He stole one last look at her peacefully slumbering and hurriedly left the room.
Ethan returned to his room, dressed, and walked downstairs to the kitchen. He found the coffee and made a pot. Out thewindow, the gray-blue sky reminded Ethan it was still early. He could just make out Tanner moving hay with the tractor.
The coffee was ready, and he pulled out a cup, filled it and sat at the kitchen table. His to-do list was getting longer. First up, going to the station and reviewing all the information they had to date, visiting the hospital to get Bucky’s statement, following up with any leads, and calling Sean.
“Hey,” a warm voice whispered in his ear, and arms wrapped around his chest.
“Good morning to you,” said Ethan. “How did you sleep?”
He felt Jane smile against his hair. “Great.”
“Can I get you a cup of coffee?” he asked.
Ethan felt the cool air hit his back when she stepped back. “No, I can get it myself. Thanks for making it.”
She poured herself a cup and sat across from him. Ethan noticed she’d dressed in a pair of leggings and a long, loose top. Her hair was still mussed, and she looked absolutely adorable.