Focus here, bud.
Jane fiddled with her cup. Her face turned pink, and she looked over at him. “Thank you for staying with me. I was concerned I would be afraid and wouldn’t sleep, but that didn’t happen.”
“It was my pleasure.”
“I hope you caught some shut-eye.”
Oh, he did; however, he sure wasn’t going to mention how he found them this morning, especially if she didn’t know. “The guest room is very comfortable.”
“Sooo…” Jane glanced up at the ceiling, then around the room.
“What?” She was uncomfortable about something.
“I’m planning on picking Bucky up this morning to bring him here,” she said as she took a sip of coffee, staring at him over the edge of the cup.
She put the cup down. “You don’t have a problem with that, do you? I’m sure you’ll want a statement from him, but I thought it would be easier to take it here and not at the hospital.”
Ethan thought about that. It didn’t matter to him, and Bucky would probably feel more at ease at Jane’s house.
“Sounds like a plan. I was going to talk to him in the hospital, but here is fine too.”
Jane sighed. “Will the fire marshal investigate how the fire started today?”
“Well, Beaver Creek isn’t big enough to have a fire marshal, but Scotty Carothers, who you met last night, is an experienced fire chief and handles fire investigations. I’m sure he’ll be back.”
“Would you ask him to let me know when he expects to come over? I’d like to be here,” Jane said.
“Are you sure?” Ethan replied. He could understand wanting to know but hoped revisiting the scene wouldn’t upset Jane too much.
Jane nodded. “I’m not going to let this stop me from enjoying my farm and feeling safe. I love Beaver Creek, and I love this property.” She blew out a big breath. “You know, I’ve always written about crime, the emotions that people might experience, but I’d never felt them. Until now.”
His heart went out to her. While he saw the aftereffects of crime and criminal activity, most people had no idea how it would affect them. He hated that Jane was experiencing the fear and anger of a crime.
“Anyhow, everything is going to be okay. I’ll be okay.” She gave him a small smile. “And I can’t thank you enough for being here with me.”
They were interrupted by a knock on the front door. Jane tipped her head and frowned. “I wonder who that might be?”
Ethan laughed. “Well, if you answer the door, you’ll know.”
Jane stood and walked through the living room to answer it. Ethan heard exclamations of sympathy. The voice sounded familiar. Whoever it was, Jane was insisting she was fine.
He got up to get himself another cup of coffee. Jane and Claire walked into the kitchen.
Claire? Why was she here?
“Claire heard about the fire and came over to see if I needed anything,” she said, noticing Ethan’s confused look.
“Humph,” Ethan said. “I wasn’t aware that news had been released about the fire.”
“It hasn’t.” Claire gave him a side-eye. “Scotty and I are good friends. He called early this morning. I came over to see if Jane needed help or company.” She gave him a long look and smirked. “But I can see she doesn’t need company.”
Ethan finished his coffee and put the cup in the dishwasher. “I’m glad you’re here. I was just leaving.”
He gave Jane a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll let you know when Scotty is coming out and be back later to speak with Bucky.”