Page 40 of Highland Queen

Chapter 13

Banquo stayed with me late into the night. We spoke of everything except our visions. We mocked the courtly southern lords in their fancy silk robes and pondered over the shows of wealth we saw all around us. We spoke of Lulach and Fleance. And we reminisced about Sid. There was no subject under the sun we didn’t touch save our visions.

I didn’t know what Banquo had seen during the crowning, but I knew him well enough to know that the vision still plagued him.

He was doing his best to hide his worries from me.

But I was hiding more than that from him.

“Thorfinn and Injibjorg will leave soon,” Banquo said. “What will you do once they are gone?”

“Madelaine advised me to go to Glamis, but I’m not certain.”

Mainly, I was not sure because I was still getting used to the idea that I was with child. I couldn’t reconcile the idea. I didn’t dare tell Banquo the truth that was tripping over my tongue. I was carrying his child. The idea was a joyous one, but a problem all the same. Macbeth and I had long been finished. I didn’t care what he thought, but I did care about what Macbeth might do. The resentment he felt for Lulach, son of an uncle he hated, would be nothing compared to the resentment he would feel for the child I carried.

And if it were a girl…

“You said you want to return to Lochaber. Is that your plan?”

Banquo nodded.

“Why don’t I come to Lochaber with you?”

“I would love to show you my home, but there would be talk.”

“Not if we keep things quiet. I could go to Moray and travel from there.”

Banquo smiled. For the first time, the clouds that covered his face lifted. “Let’s consider it more. We’ll make a plan,” he said then tapped his drink against mine. He drank then eyed me over. “You look very tired, my Cerridwen. It’s late. I should leave you now.”

“I wish you could stay.”

“So do I. Trust me. But I’ll see you first thing in the morning,” he said then rose.

I followed Banquo to the door. He stopped and took my face into his hands.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“And I love you,” he replied, leaning in to kiss me. His lips were sweet and warm. I caught the scent of the earthy smell that always perfumed his skin. I was carrying Banquo’s child. How impossible it seemed. I was carrying his child.

He pulled away then set a soft kiss on my forehead. “Sleep well.”

“And you.”

Banquo opened the door.

The guards outside came to attention.

I waved farewell to Banquo, nodded to my men, then went back inside, bolting the door behind me.

I went to the table. Sitting there was a beautifully ornamented box. I opened the lid. Inside was the ancient crown of Moray. I lifted the heavy silver piece and inspected it. There were old engravings that had worn themselves almost invisible along the band. I stroked the metal with my finger. Setting the crown down for a moment, I reached back and undid the braids Tira and Rhona had made and let my short hair fall loose. I lifted the crown and placed it on my head.

I walked over to the fire and gazed into the cauldron hanging there. My reflection wavered on the surface of the liquid. Banquo was right. I did look tired. My skin was pale, and there were dark rings under my eyes. Hardly the picture of a youthful May Queen.

But I was in bloom.

My hands drifted to my stomach.

I closed my eyes.