Banquo advanced quickly on me. Closing my eyes, I suppressed a scream.
“Gruoch,” Banquo said sharply, grabbing my arm.
“She’s taken ill, my lord,” Killian said.
“No. She’s had a vision. Come, let’s take her from this place before the others notice something’s wrong. Gruoch, look at me,” Banquo said, taking my hand.
I shook my head. “No.”
“It was a vision. Look at me.”
His hand in mine, I felt the warmth of his flesh.
Great Lady, let the vision pass.
I opened my eyes only to find Banquo standing there, whole and alive.
“Banquo,” I whispered.
“What did you see?” he asked.
I shook my head, not wanting to tell him.
“My queen?” Killian said.
“Killian, I’m all right now. Please, let’s return to my chamber,” I said. Banquo and I departed then, the men of Moray following close behind.
“You were frightened of me,” Banquo whispered.
“Not of you, for you.”
“For me?”
I nodded.
Banquo frowned. “This day has been full of ominous portents.”
“At the crowning, you saw something as well.”
Banquo nodded.
“I’ll ride with Madelaine when we are done here. Will you come with me?” I asked.
“Yes. I too need…time.”
“Banquo, what does it mean, such ill omens?”
“You know as well as I,” he said, his voice dark.
Dark times were ahead. On the day I had been crowned queen, I had foreseen the darkest visage I could imagine…the death of my soul mate.