Page 25 of One Wild Night

"I'll see you at the club," she murmured, her tiny hands running through my hair one last time.

"I hope you'll still watch out for me. I always feel safer when you're there."

"I'll always be watching out for you." With a smile, I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"And that's not just because Tony tells me to." Siena grinned at that.

I helped her with her bag as we made our way to my front door. There was a private taxi out by the street when I opened it, and I had to shake my head. I should have known Tony would never pick her up himself.

"Thanks for everything, Ryan," Siena smirked, kissing my cheek.

"You're most welcome, Trixie," I called as she made her way to the car. She turned to me with a look of understanding. This was where it had to end. No repercussions. No regrets. We'd had our wild weekend together, and that was more than I could have ever hoped for.

"I'll see you around the club." She smiled before getting into the car.

"You will, indeed," I replied, stretching to grab a cigarette from the table by my front door.

"Do you have a spare?" she called from the car window. I rolled my eyes. Trixie was back.

She was always asking for a cigarette or a light. I walked down in just my sweats, offering her a smoke and then lighting it once it was between her desirable lips.

"Some things never change," I chuckled.

"Nothing has changed, Ryan," she pointed out, and she was completely right. We'd fucked for a weekend thanks to a bet, but that's where it ended.

"You're as right as ever," I commented.

"I usually am," she teased just before hitting the button to roll her window up. "Goodbye, Ryan."

"Goodbye, Trixie," I muttered as the car pulled away from the curb.

It sped into the traffic, and with that, my time with her was over. What a weekend it had been, though, with my goddess, Trixie. Or should I say, my girl, Siena?

Chapter 11
