"What is with you today?" Jamie asked as we made our way to Carlo’s mansion. My mind was still reeling from the events of the weekend. I’d never fucked anyone the way I had fucked Siena. It was pure fucking pleasure.
"I had a long few days," I smirked. Why did I even sleep? I could have fucked Siena at least another three times if I hadn't. I groaned internally at the thought; it was too late now. My wild weekend was over.
"I have never seen you this hyped up before," Jamie mused, removing his sunglasses as we pulled through the gates of the large Valenti estate. The mansion had been in the family for generations.
Siena had some kind of power over me, and although it had been hours since we’d parted I could still taste her on my tongue. I had even rolled around in my sheets once she'd left this afternoon, jerking off to the memories of our weekend together. If that made me a pervert, then so fucking be it!
"I had some top class pussy," I muttered, noticing Tony was already outside the mansion waiting for me. No doubt he was ready to take me down because I’d slept with his woman.
"It was a woman that got you this hyped up?" Jamie replied in shock, bringing the car to a stop. Tony walked toward the car window with his arms folded. The motherfucker was shooting daggers at me.
"I need to speak to you, Lawson—in private," he spat, expecting me to follow him as he walked away.
"I have business with your father first," I called, ignoring his hissy fit.
"Like fuck you do. You will see me,now!"
"Keep your panties on, Tony," Jamie teased, smirking at me. "Carlo told me to get Ryan. Something important has come up."
"Why wasn't I told?" Tony yelled, storming into the house. "Why I am always the last to fucking know in this house!?"
"Probably because you are too busy throwing your toys out of your stroller," I murmured under my breath.
I followed Jamie down the hallway, gazing up at the grand staircase and wondering if Siena was here or at her own apartment. I needed to stop being such a fucking pussy and let her go. It was one fucking weekend!
"Why am I never told anything?" I could hear Tony arguing with his father before I saw them.
"Antonio, you don't need to know every single detail. That is my job. Are you acting this way because of Siena's whereabouts this weekend?" Carlo snarled back just as I met his gaze. "Oh, Ryan, you're here. That was quick."
"You know I hate to keep you waiting," I smirked, darting my eyes to Tony. Yeah, fucker, I had your girl this weekend...over and over again...and she loved every single second of it.
Carlo smiled before gesturing for me to sit down. "Thank you, Jamie, that will be all," he called. Jamie nodded, looking at me with a grin. He might have worked out who I was with this weekend. I knew he wouldn’t say anything to 'big mouth' Bennett, though.
"Now, boys, do we need to get anything out in the open before we begin the tasks for the evening?" Carlo asked as soon as his office door was closed.
"You fucked her, didn't you?" Tony snarled toward me.
"I thought that was the point," I responded smugly. He flew for me but I was quicker. I grabbed his arm, shoved him to the ground, and pinned his face to the carpet. "Yes, I fucked her," I growled in his ear, "and no, I won't ever touch her again. You have my word, so chill the fuck out!" I yelled, letting him go and straightening my posture.
"You fucked her...you really fucked her," he moaned into the carpet.
"You didn't think I would?"
He pushed up off the floor and got in my face quicker than I thought possible. "You're supposed to be like a brother to me. How could you do that? I love her!" Love? Tony was a real fucking comedian. He didn’t know the meaning of the word.
"You love her because everyone wants her!” Pushing him back so he wasn’t right in my face, I continued. “If you truly loved her, you wouldn't fuck every stripper in the club!"
"I can't believe you've caused this wedge between Trixie and me. She won't even talk to me, you motherfucker!"
It sounds to me like your need for Ryan’s car and the idiotic bet you decided to make is what caused the wedge between you and Trixie, Alexander. Not Ryan." Carlo added, shaking his head at his son. I could see the disappointment in his eyes yet again. "You need to move on. Trixie will come around in her own time. It's good to have a woman with some fighting spirit in our profession. Besides, Ryan has given his word. He won't touch her again."
"Too fucking right he won't," Tony seethed, looking at me, "because I will kill the motherfucker if he so much as looks at her in the wrong way!"
"You're throwing death threats at me after what I have done for you!?" He was going to get my fist in his face if he kept at it.
"Boys!" Carlo stressed, waving his hands in the air. "We can't run a business with my two boys arguing."
Tony turned his ice cold stare on Carlo. "I'm your boy, Father. Ryan is a piece of shit you found on the streets and took on as a pet project."