“He says it was mutual, that they just weren’t suited, but I don’t know. I feel like Stephanie did something. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always gotten along with her, but at the same time, I’ve never been crazy about her. She’d make these little comments about Rhys starting an elite security firm someday, becoming his own boss and making better money so they could build a life together. Rhys earns great money working for my dad, and I know he loves his job. Still, if he wanted to branch out on his own, we’d all support him, but I don’t think he did want that. I suspect it was all Stephanie’s idea.”
“Do you think that’s why they broke up? She was putting pressure on him to earn more money?”
“Could be, but you know what Rhys is like. He’s a vault. It’s so hard to gauge what’s going on with him.”
“Stephanie spoke about their breakup when we had lunch,” I revealed. “She seemed pretty cut up over the whole thing.”
“Oh God, I’m being a terrible gossip, aren’t I?” Nuala exclaimed, reprimanding herself. “It’s none of my business. I should just let it lie.”
“You care about Rhys,” I said. “He’s basically a part of your family. It makes sense you’d be concerned about what happened.”
“I suppose,” she said before casting me a curious glance. “What do you think of him now? He’s changed a lot, hasn’t he?”
“Well, sure. We’ve all changed. We’re not teenagers anymore.”
“Right, but Rhys is one of those boys who became such aman, you know.”
I shot her a funny look. “I’m not entirely sure what that means, Nuala.” I lifted my mug for a sip, focusing on the rich, strong coffee because I was lying. I knewexactlywhat she’d meant.
My cousin made a hand gesture as though searching for a better description. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not into him or anything. Rhys has always been like a third brother to me. But I just mean, like, you know how there are guys these days whose preferences are so distorted by porn or whatever, and they want this airbrushed, unrealistic version of a woman?”
“I guess, though I’ll have to take your word for it. I haven’t been on a date in sixteen years. I have no idea what the typical guy is like these days.”
“Well, believe me. They’re out there. I once dated a man who said that this one slightly crooked tooth I have makes me less hot, and I should consider Invisalign.”
“Seriously?” I asked in disbelief. To me, Nuala was a goddess. There wasn’t one thing about her that wasn’t perfect. “That’s ridiculous.”
She nodded. “I know, right? But Rhys is the antithesis of guys like that. If you put on a few pounds, he’d just find you even sexier, or if you were self-conscious because you forgot to shave, he’d be all like,I don’t give a fuck; we’re still getting naked. He wouldn’t complain when you’re on your period. He’d make you a hot water bottle, feed you chocolate, and massage your feet instead. That sort of thing.”
I stiffened a little at that last part. Nuala couldn’t possibly have known, but Jesse had coerced me years ago to go on birth control to stop me having a period. He’d said he didn’t like to imagine me sitting around bleeding, that it made him feel “uncomfortable.” I hadn’t wanted to do it at the time since I’d always had manageable, relatively pain free periods, but like most things, I’d gone along with what he’d wanted in the end. I wasn’t on birth control anymore. It was another private little victory, the same way getting my hair cut had been. Besides, it wasn’t like I planned on having sex with anyone. Not for a long time. Possibly not ever.
“Charli, are you okay?”
“Huh? Yes, sorry, I’m fine. Just …” I drifted off, unsure how to explain. Nuala seemed to realise I was struggling with the topic for whatever reason and promptly changed it.
“Well, enough about Rhys. Let’s talk about you and I going on a girl’s holiday this summer. I’m thinking a Mediterranean resort where we can laze by the pool sipping cocktails and reading romance novels.”
I chuckled. “I think you just described my perfect vacation. You’re on.”
Nuala let out an excited chirp. “I’ll start researching the best spots.”
After lunch, Nuala walked me back to the hotel since she wanted to drop in and say hi to her dad. We were busy chatting about possible holiday locations as she strolled with me to the accounts office. The door to Rhys’ office was closed, so he was either in there working or in some other part of the hotel dealing with security stuff. I hadn’t seen a whole lot of him since our lunch encounter on Monday; however, I was constantly aware of the possibility that I might run into him. It created a low hum of anticipation and nervousness in my belly.
It was silly that he was taking up so much of my headspace, but it was also a welcome reprieve from all the other unpleasant things that normally plagued my mind.
We’d just reached the office when Nuala and I hugged before saying goodbye, and she headed off to see her father. I sat down at my desk when I became aware that someone was looking at me.
Then Maeve said, “Was that Nuala Balfe?”
I glanced up and shot her a polite smile. “It was. Do you know her?”
“No, but her father owns the hotel.” A pause as she eyed me in a new light. “How did you two meet?”
I grinned. “If I recall correctly, we initially bonded over our shared love of the Power Rangers, though we often argued since we both always wanted to be the pink one.” Maeve appeared a little confused, and I chuckled. “Nuala’s my cousin. I’ve known her basically my whole life.”
Maeve blinked as realisation dawned, and she let a small, awkward chuckle. “Ah, I see. I had no idea you were related to the Balfes.”
“Yes. And I’ll admit there may have been a smidge of nepotism involved in me getting this job, but I promise I’m very qualified. I was head accountant at my previous position for six years.”