“No, no, I would never think you weren’t qualified. Having worked with you all week, it’s obvious you’re highly capable. It’s just, well …” She frowned.
Her eyes flicked to mine. “You might not know this, but Stephanie’s ex is very close with the Balfes. He works here, too, so you might have run into him already.”
I feigned ignorance, mainly because I didn’t want Maeve to think I knew Stephanie was Rhys’ ex and still allowed her to vent about the breakup during lunch without being up front about it. “Oh?”
“It’s Rhys Doyle. He’s head of security here.”
“Right,” I said, nodding soberly. “I do know Rhys. He’s often at my aunt and uncle’s house.” I left out the part that I was currently residing there.
“Stephanie used to go with him for dinner there sometimes. She’s really cut up about not having those dinners anymore. It’s like she’s lost friends as well as a partner, but then again, the Balfes were always Rhys’ friends, so it makes sense they’d side with him.”
“It’s tough having to divide everything up when a relationship ends,” I nodded in understanding.
Memories of hastily packing away my things in mine and Jesse’s apartment hit me. There was so much I’d had to leave behind, but I hadn’t wanted most of it anyway. It was all associated with the terror I’d endured. The only thing it really hurt not being able to bring with me was my grandmother’s Lladró collection that she’d left to me after she’d died.
When I was young, I wasn’t very interested in a bunch of fancy old ornaments. Then, as my marriage to Jesse had grown lonelier and darker, I’d found solace in those figurines, each one telling a story. The little girl selling flowers, the woman holding her child, the boy playing the flute. I’d started purchasing more, adding to the collection. It was the one thing in my life I’d had for myself since Jesse wouldn’t allow any pets in the apartment even though I’d really wanted a Maine coon.
My neighbour had one when I was little. I’d been obsessed with having one of those large fluffy cats all my own someday, but it wasn’t to be.
“Maybe since you’re her cousin, you could mention to Nuala how Stephanie feels pushed out,” Maeve said, drawing me from my thoughts. “She doesn’t want to lose their friendship just because she and Rhys are no longer together.”
“Ah, I’m not sure if—”
“Please,” Maeve interjected. “I know it would mean so much to Steph. You have no idea how down she’s been.”
“Really, Maeve, it wouldn’t be my place to get involved,” I tried to hold firm. No part of me wanted to interfere in the aftermath of Rhys’ breakup, especially not since I had my own aftermath to deal with.
“There’s no rush,” Maeve insisted. “I understand it might be awkward, but if you and Nuala are hanging out, and the rightopportunity arises, maybe you could casually mention Steph? No pressure, though.”
God, I really didn’t want to do it, but her pleading for her friend tugged at my heartstrings. I was a sucker for close female friendships since I’d lost touch with Gwyn and Lydia not long after I’d cut off contact with Nuala. It was something that was gravely missing from my life. So, even though a weird part of me was jealous of the woman who’d been engaged to Rhys, who got to have him for two whole years when I’d only had a paltry few weeks, I nodded. “Sure, I’ll try to mention it to Nuala, and see what she says.”
Maeve beamed. “Thanks so much, Charli. I know it’ll mean the world to Steph.”
I’d just finished work and was packing up my things when I received a text from Aunt Jo letting me know everyone was coming over for dinner at seven. The text reminded me of the promise I’d made to Maeve and how Stephanie missed being invited to dinner at my aunt and uncle’s house. My stomach twisted because I didn’t want to be a go-between. I felt uncomfortable getting involved in any way.
My thoughts were a tangled mess as I left the hotel to walk in the direction of the train station. I was still in the hotel parking lot when a car horn honked. It came from a dark silver SUV parked a few spots away. Rhys sat in the driver’s seat, a soft smile touching his lips when I met his gaze. There was something very distracting about the way he looked behind the wheel, his posture relaxed and confident.
He rolled down the window and stuck his head out. “Need a lift?”
I began walking towards his car, aware of his eyes scanning me as I approached. I tugged my long coat around me, shivering, but not from the cold. How did his attention still affect me so much even after all these years?
Rhys emerged from the car as he went around to open the passenger side door, and I was suddenly remembering what Nuala had said about him over lunch, what an old school gentleman Rhys was, the sort of guy who held open doors and brought you flowers “just because.” I experienced a very feminine reaction, a tendril of pleasure sweeping through my belly as he motioned into the car.
“Hop in.”
I was about to do just that when I finally came to my senses, unsure if I wanted to be confined to a car with Rhys. I was already getting butterflies just from him opening the door for me. I wasn’t sure I could handle an hour alone with him during rush hour traffic. “You’re driving to Malahide?”
“It’s Friday, isn’t it?”
Right, he mentioned driving out to my aunt and uncle’s house on Fridays.
“I don’t want to impose,” I said, knowing a lot of people treasured their quiet drives after a long, hectic week at the office.
Rhys cast me a look like I was being silly. “We’re both going to the same place, Charli. Of course you’re not imposing.” His eyes flickered to me for a second before he continued, “In fact, make sure you come find me on Fridays from now on, and I’ll give you a lift home.”
I was a little chagrined since he was right. It made sense for me to hitch a ride with him, I climbed into the car and put on my seatbelt. Rhys walked back around to the driver’s side.