Page 44 of Quiet Longing

“I don’t think more alcohol is wise,” Derek pointed out, frowning in his sister’s direction, his eyes flickering to Milly briefly, and I noticed his Adam’s apple bob. She wore a royalblue bikini, courtesy of Nuala, and the colour complimented her creamy pale skin. The girl was tiny, but she also had curves.

“One more won’t hurt,” Nuala said with a cheeky grin as she neared the edge of the pool and set down the tray. Rhys glanced at me. “You want one?”

I shook my head, placing a hand on his shoulder as I quietly replied, “Wait a minute. All is not as it seems.”

He sent me a curious look as Nuala selected a glass and approached her brother, holding it out to him. Tristan took the offered drink without question and knocked back a gulp. I expected him to immediately spit it out with a grimace, but he only smacked his lips and smiled, “Ah, delicious.”

Nuala frowned in confusion just as Aidan spat out his drink, spraying it everywhere. “What the fuck, Nuala? Is that salt?”

Her frown deepened as she looked from Aidan to her brother, anoh shitexpression on her face as her hands went to her cheeks. “I freaking told you to clearly mark the glass,” I said, chuckling as Nuala sent Aidan an apologetic glance.

“Shit, that was meant for Tristan,” she said. “Milly and I were going to get him back for the ice water prank by putting salt in his cocktail.”

Derek laughed at that, his gaze warm on Milly as he said, “I didn’t know you were so devious.”

She smiled shyly. “I’m full of surprises.”

Tristan wore a giant grin, having avoided payback. “And lady luck shines upon me once again.”

“My mouth tastes disgusting,” Aidan complained, sticking out his tongue as though to rid the salty taste while glowering at everyone.

“I’m sorry. Here, have another. I promise there’s no salt in this one,” Nuala said, holding out a fresh glass.

Aidan took it grumpily, knocking it back in several thirsty gulps to wash the foul taste from his mouth.

“You guys need to swear off doing pranks,” I said to the twins. “You’re both clearly terrible at them.”

Aidan’s annoyed eyes landed on me. “You knew about this, Moretti?”

I shrugged. “I may have had some prior knowledge.”

“That’s it. You’re getting dunked for not warning us.”

He started wading through the water towards me, and I squealed, hiding behind Rhys, my arm going around his broad shoulders as I clung to him. “Now’s the time to make good on your promise to protect me,” I said in his ear, suddenly aware my boobs were plastered to his back.

A small shudder went through him when he cast me a smile. “Don’t worry, I won’t let him get you.”

Those words made my belly flutter as Aidan reached us. “Get out of the way, Rhys.”

“Sorry, man, she’s under my protection.” Rhys was a solid wall between Aidan and me as I continued to cling to him.

I stuck my tongue out at Aidan, and he rolled his eyes in return. “You can’t hide behind Rhys all night. I’ll get you eventually,” he threatened playfully.

“Want to bet?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around Rhys’ neck and my legs around his middle like a limpet. I experienced a moment of concern that he might not want me touching him so much, but those worries were quashed when his hands wrapped around my legs, his palms skimming my outer thighs just above the knee. He held me to him like he really did mean it about protecting me.

Even though we were just playing around, there was something about the whole thing that made my stomach flutter. Rhys was the sort of guy who’d face down a hurricane for the people he cared about.

Still with his large, solid hands on my thighs, he stared down Aidan, who scowled and gave up, returning to the other side ofthe pool. I wrapped my arms tighter around Rhys, savouring the closeness.

“So, you’re just going to stay like this until we get out?” he asked, sounding amused. There was a small catch in his voice that belied his nervousness, too.

“If it’s not too much inconvenience to you, yes,” I replied, and Rhys turned his head a little to meet my gaze.

“It’s not an inconvenience,” he said quietly, his eyes intense, giving me yet another belly flutter.

Nuala shot me a knowing grin like she was onto me. And okay, yes, a small part of me might’ve been using this opportunity to get close to Rhys, but who could blame me? I’d never been this attracted to a boy before. And though I’d been unsure earlier, I wasn’t anymore. Not with the way he kept my body pinned to his back. He was into this just as much as I was.

Derek caught my eye, a vaguely concerned look on his face, and it made me wonder if maybe I was being cruel without realising it. I genuinely liked Rhys, but he was also going through a lot with his parents divorcing. Maybe I shouldn’t be complicating his life when he had so much going on. But it was hard to stay away from him. I was like a moth fluttering around a light bulb whenever we happened to be in the same room, unable to help being drawn close.