Page 43 of Quiet Longing

Speaking of which, Rhys’ gaze darkened like he didn’t enjoy the idea of me in the pool with Aidan either. Was he jealous? A warm flush spread across my chest. Okay, I was officially back to believing he liked me. He was just more reserved than the typical person. Rhys kept his feelings under a tight leash, which was why I found it difficult to gauge him.

I didn’t have time to push him on the matter because Nuala grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “Come on. Let’s go change into our swimsuits. Milly, you can borrow one of my bikinis. Mam and me went shopping last week, so I have a couple new ones I haven’t worn yet.”

Derek looked like he was being mildly tortured at the idea of his crush in a bikini.

We went upstairs, and I grabbed my swimsuit, quickly changing and pulling a wrap on to cover up before going to see if Nuala and Milly were ready. I approached her door and found the two of them giggling about something. Happiness filled me to see Nuala bonding with a new friend, especially after what had happened with her old friend group. It made me feel a little better to know she’d have someone after I left at the end of summer.

“What are you two giggling about?” I asked as I stood in the doorway.

“Oh, nothing,” Nuala said, biting the inside of her cheek.

“It’s not nothing, I call tell. Spill,” I pushed, eyeing the two of them with suspicion.

“Well,” Nuala replied, sharing a mischievous look with Milly. “Milly and I had an idea to get Tristan back after his prank with the ice water.” I noted she didn’t mention Rhys, so she must’ve known Tristan was the mastermind behind it all.

“I’m always down for some well-deserved revenge,” I said, folding my arms.

“I was going to make another batch of cocktails to bring down to the pool, but there’ll be several spoons of salt in the one I give to Tristan.”

I grinned. Nuala and Milly’s idea for revenge was almost cute, but they were clearly tipsy and thought their salt plan was a stroke of genius. “Okay, well, just make sure you mark Tristan’s drink clearly. I’m going downstairs.”

I was eager to get into the pool since I was riding a pleasingly tipsy buzz, and the idea of just floating about in the water seemed appealing. When I entered the pool room, the boys were already in the water, splashing around and rough housing. A warmth seized my chest because Rhys was there, and I hadn’t been sure if he’d come down.

Derek grabbed Theo by the shoulders and dunked his head under the water, then Theo exploded back up, grabbing for Derek to get him back. They reminded me of a bunch of little kids.

“Come on, Moretti,” Aidan shouted, hands around his mouth while I hovered by the edge of the pool. “How about taking a jump off the diving board?”

There was a small diving board at the deep end of the pool, but I was in no fit state for diving. I shook my head and made a beeline for the shallow end, not interested in being dragged into the boys’ rough play.

My eyes went to Rhys, who deftly avoided the tidal wave Tristan splashed at him, and went to hang out near the edge of the pool. He wore a T-shirt and swim shorts, the wet material clinging to his chest, shoulders, and back. I noted the way his hair hung wet over his forehead, a shade darker than when it was dry.

Removing my wrap and setting it down on one of the lounge chairs lined up next to the pool, I slipped off my flip flops, aware of Rhys watching me, and dipped a toe in the water. It wassoothingly warm as I lowered down into it, sitting on a step and chuckling as I watched the boys play around. Rhys glanced my way then waded through the water toward me.

“Not coming any farther?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.

I threw my eyes to the others. “It’s a bit of a warzone over there. I’m not sure it’s safe.”

Rhys beckoned me. “It’s safe. I’ll protect you.”

My chest fluttered. Was it my imagination that I heard flirtation in his statement, a warm promise? “Oh, yeah? Well, how can I say no to an offer like that.”

Wading into the water, I gave Rhys a little splash, and he chuckled. “What are you doing?”

“Splashing you. You’re supposed to splash me back.”

“Ah,” he said, a smile in his eyes. “Is that how it goes?”

“Uh huh,” I replied, wading closer to him until there was barely an inch between us. I was so lost in his deep blue eyes I didn’t notice Tristan climbing onto the diving board until he yelled, “Cannonball!” and launched himself into the water. I gasped when a giant wave crashed over Rhys and me, drenching both of us. I choked when some of the chlorine water went up my nose.

“Fuck, Tristan,” Rhys shouted. “Take it easy, will you? You nearly bloody drowned Charli.”

Tristan wore a sheepish expression. “My bad. Sorry, Charli!”

“It’s okay. I’m all right,” I said, a little obsessed with the angry slant of Rhys’ mouth. He was mad on my behalf, and I quite liked that, actually.

“We made more cocktails,” Nuala declared as she and Milly appeared, clad in bikinis and each carrying a tray.

“Yes!” Aidan said, immediately swimming towards them.