Page 116 of When He Protects

“Not all confessions are true. Those individuals set other bombs. They killed other people.” Anger twisted in his words. “And they made deals with Thaddeus and his international cronies. Deals that we will never fully unravel.” Etienne inclined his head. “I have a private plane at the small airport thirty minutes away. Take it. And any weapons that you need. They will be waiting inside the hangar.”

“Thank you.”

“You will find Esme. You will take out any threats to her.”

Hell, yes, he would.

“And you will love my daughter for the rest of her life?”

“I’ll love her until I take my last breath.”

“Then go save the day,hero. My daughter is waiting on you.”

She wasn’t going to get a hero.

She was going to get the bastard who would tear apart anyone who dared to hurt her.

Tyler headed for the elevator. Kane was right at his side.And before those elevator doors closed, Kane said, “Your future father-in-law is slightly scary. I think I could like him.”


“Who are we going to kill first?”

“Jorlan Rodgers. The hitman he hired has to deliver Esme directly to him. And we’re going to be there for the exchange.” He couldn’t wait to see Jorlan’s face when a dead man interrupted his private meeting.

Surprise, surprise, asshole. I’m still breathing, and I’m here to send you straight to hell.

Chapter Twenty-Four

The basement wasdark and hot and she could hear things scurrying on the floor near her feet. “Great ambiance you have,” Esme told her captor as he pushed her forward. He’d cut the ropes from her ankles right before they’d entered this old monstrosity of a house. The better for her not to fall on her face as she took mincing steps due to the restriction of the ropes.

Now just her hands were still secured—cuffed. In front of her. His mistake, of course. And she was just waiting for the right moment to surprise him with her skills.

The problem was that he currently had a gun shoved into the base of her spine. The same gun he’d used on Tyler?

She stumbled.

Do not think about him. Not yet. Tyler is safe. Kane got him out and got him to a hospital. Tyler is safe. Alive.

“The dungeon décor is top-notch,” she complimented. “I can tell the owner of the place really went all-in on the horror vibe.”

“You always talk, don’t you?” he groused back. “Lady,can’t you be quiet for like, two minutes? Really don’t want to drug you again.”

She really didn’t want to be drugged again.

A big door swung open up ahead. The groan of its hinges seemed far too loud. A groan and screech.


“Bonjour, Esme.”

Of course, it would be him. She’d known this meeting would be coming. It was actually one of the reasons she hadn’t tried to get away sooner. She’d wanted to stand toe to toe with this particular monster.

He’d put a hit on Tyler. That would not be forgotten or forgiven. Ever.

Jorlan strolled out with a wide grin on his face.

“The overdramatic scene, the roaches on the floor, the rats scattering about.” She ticked off each item with an impatient tap of her foot. “Doesn’t take a psychic to feel your stench all over this place.”