He lost his big grin. Jorlan raced straight up to her and pulled back his hand to slap her in the face.
She braced for the hit.
Only it never came. Because the big, bad hitman who’d dragged her all the way to this hellhole stopped Jorlan before he could strike her. “Not part of the deal,” he gritted out.
“Are you insane?” Jorlan roared at him.
“Maybe.” A pause. “Probably. Depends on who you ask, I guess.”
Jorlan jerked away from him.
“You don’t get her—not even to rough her up—until I get my payment,” the hitman said. “Payment for her kidnapping and for the murder of U.S. Marshal Tyler Barrett. I’m sure his death made the news.”
His death. His death.Those words echoed sickeningly in her ears.
Jorlan laughed. “He died, and so did Thaddeus Caldwell. Talk about eliminating two problems at once. That Fed bastard was always trying to push his way into my business.”
His death.
Nausea rose within her. “I’m going to be sick.” Esme leaned forward. The curtain of her hair flew around her. With the hair covering her, she grabbed for the hoop earring she wore in her right ear. Long ago, she’d learned that nearly any earring would work for this trick. But the hoops were particularly good because the thin gold was so malleable. She’d been wearing the hoops when she got out of her cuffs the last time, too. She just needed to twist the material just right…
The hitman hauled her back upright. Her hair flew back over her shoulder and—hopefully—disguised the fact that she was now minus one earring. She palmed it in her hand.
“Donotthrow up right now,” the hitman warned. His gaze almost seemed worried as he studied her face. Aw. A hitman with a heart. Fun to know.
“He’s not dead,” Esme declared.
The hitman’s gaze sharpened on her. Had he noticed the missing earring?
“You’re lying to Jorlan.”Sow discontent. Get them to turn on each other.That was what she needed to do.
“Uh, lady…” The hitman’s eyelashes flickered. “Watch yourself.”
“No, you watchyourself.Tyler isn’t dead.” She surged toward Jorlan. “This jerk is lying to you. I was there. I saw itall with my own eyes. Tyler isn’t dead. This clown is just trying to get a payday without actually turning in the work.”
Suspicion flashed on Jorlan’s face.
She was going to need a whole lot more than suspicion to get this show rolling. “Are you seriously going to be conned by this hack, Jorlan? Come on, you’re better than this. Why on earth would you think you could trust this guy?”
Jorlan backed up a step. “You were friends with Tyler.”
Wait. Who had been friends with Tyler? The hitman?
“Friends turned enemies.” Jorlan nodded. “That is why I hired you in the first place.” His hand went behind his back. “I knew you were aware of Tyler’s inner circle. I knew you’d be able to track him better because you knew who he’d turn to for help.”
The hitman stepped forward and positioned his body so that he was partially in front of Esme.
She began working with her earring on the cuffs while the two men were squaring off.What is up with that bit about friends turned enemies?
“I did track him,” the hitman threw out. “Followed him to Asylum. Got a visual on him at the hospital, and I was on his tail all the way to that rathole of a motel. I took him out, and I brought her here. I did exactly asyouordered, Jorlan. Now pay up. You ordered her kidnapping, and you ordered the murder of U.S. Marshal Tyler Barrett. Transfer the money to my account right the hell now, or I will take her out and leave her on the doorstep of the nearest police station.”
Oh, she actually liked that idea.Snick.The cuffs opened. Or at least, one cuffopened.
She could have sworn that the hitman’s shoulders stiffened. Had he heard the telling sound?
“I’ll transfer the money.” A grudging agreement from Jorlan. “You did what I hired you to do. Come with me. My computer is inside. We’ll take care of our business, and then you can leave.”