Page 87 of Knotted Laces

“What happened today?” I ask, head spinning.

Iknewthat text was off.

Thank God I’m home already.

“I heard him screaming at Cam, fuckingscreaming.” He shakes his head. “I get that it’s sports, that we all want to win—hell, I’ve made it my fuckingmission. But”—he sighs—“that’s not how I do things in my businesses, and I’ve made it clear that’s not how I want the Eagles handled either. Cam, especially, doesn’t respond to someone being on his ass like that. He pushes himself hard enough as it is and someone accusing him of not pulling his weight and it…well…”

“It gets in his head,” I finish.

“Yes,” he agrees quietly.

Okay. That fucking coach is dead.

Or at least bankrupt, his entire life in shambles.


Or all three because why the fuck not?

That has me tamping down my rage and focusing. That asshole of a coach is hurting my Cam.

No more.

Lifting my chin, I lock eyes with Jean-Michel.

“I’ve got this.”

His mouth tips up at the edges.

“Oh, I have no doubt of that.”




I blink and look up from the television screen.

“Cupcake,” I say quickly, setting my controller to the side and jumping up to my feet at the sight of Athena in my house after I told her I couldn’t meet tonight. Worry has my stomach churning. “Is everything okay?”

She shifts, and sets a cat carrier down, Cookie giving a meow in protest. “I think you’re the one who owes me that explanation.” She moves over and pops me on the chest. “What the fuck, honey?”

The endearment strokes gentle fingers over my heart before the rest of the words process and grip tightly around the vulnerable organ.

“What do you mean?” I ask carefully.

She glares, pulls her phone out, and reads,“I’m too tired to meet up today?Really?”

I smother a wince and avoid the question by bending over and unzipping Cookie’s carrier. He pops his head out immediately and shoves his face in my hand, demanding that Ipet him. “It’s not anything to do with you,” I say quietly. “I had a rough day at the gym and?—”

“And you didn’t think that’s something I should know?” she snaps. “Something I could help you with?”


“We’re in a relationship Cameron Jackson,” she continues, the words clipped out. “You said that’s you’re in love with me. Or has that changed?”
