“Andre can wait there,” JM answers, nodding at the other man. “I trust that you’re not going to kidnap me and blackmail my estate considering you gave me the warning in the first place.”
“And now you’ve figured out my evil plan to take over the world, muahaha.”
He shoots me a droll look but follows me into the kitchen.
I smile down at Cookie, who’s eschewed all notion of being cooped up in the bathroom. “Hey, bud,” I say, scooping him up like a baby and scratching his belly—his favorite. He arches and starts purring then seems to finally deign to notice Jean-Michel.
He jumps out of my arms and darts across the counter, sniffing at the hand that Jean-Michel holds out.
Then butting his head against it and allowing Jean-Michel to scratch him.
No surprise that animals like him, considering all he’s done with Chrissy’s charity, but having it on display right in front of me confirms what the data has shown.
Jean-Michel is a good guy.
“So, why are you really here?” I ask.
He stills with his fingers sunk into Cookie’s fur. “I’ve emailed you a link to some files.”
“Five minutes ago.”
Lifting my eyebrows, I slip my phone from my pocket and open the mail app, seeing that, indeed, there’s an email from Jean-Michel. “What is it?”
“You’ll see,” he says quietly, running his fingers through Cookie’s fur. “Give me something, Ats. Something that I can use to get rid of the asshole. If not for me, then for Cam.”
I was already pulling my laptop from my backpack and logging in, but his words have me moving a little faster, clicking the link and?—
My gaze shoots up. “You’re giving me access tothis?”
All of the player and staff records from the team, along with emails and flight records and…personal messages.
What the actual fuck?
“I’ve been trying to figure it out,” he says by way of explanation. “Something’s off, but there’s nothing I can use to break the contract. If we have to fire him and pay out, we have to pay out. But…there’s something here I can’t put my finger on. Something that tells me there’s more going on and firing my head coach won’t solve it.”
“This have something to do with your ex?”
Scuttlebutt says that his ex-wife recently reappeared in his and Chrissy’s lives and is determined to create chaos?—
By saying their divorce isn’t valid and wanting to come after half of his assets.
Allof his assets.
A shrug. “I’m not sure. But if it’s fucking up my life, that’s more than likely.”
I wince. “You know I can’t help you with a civil case.”
He waves a hand. “I know,” he says. “I can handle my ex and the shit storm she’s made my life.” His expression goes serious. “I’m more concerned because all of Peter’s focus seems to be on Cam. I admit I wasn’t as engaged as I should have been at the end of the season and thought we just ran out of steam. But Rome has said a few things and then you mentioned?—”
I nod.
“And so…I’ve been paying attention. We’re not even truly back and Cam’s already busting his ass in the weight room and today?—”