Page 45 of The Fall

“Ben and I are trying to get pregnant,” Stella whispers.

Tess lights up. “Oh, that’s exciting.”

“The idea of it is,” Stella says. “But in reality...” She looks over both shoulders to make sure no one’s in earshot. “My hips get sore and sometimes I just want the deposit without a happy ending for myself, you know? Like, let’s get this round in the bag. But Ben refuses to come if I haven’t yet. So...”

“Oh my God, you too?” Tess gets out a corkscrew for the wine. “It’s like a marathon sometimes.”

I stop what I’m doing and get a wineglass from a cabinet. “I’m trying to muster some sympathy for you two because having a man who won’t quit until you get there doesn’t sound like something I’d be bitching about. Now fill this glass up, please.”

“Point taken,” Stella says.

Tess fills glasses for all of us. I’m enjoying my first sip of the crisp, sweet wine when I hear Tate scream. I set the glass down and race toward the stairway, my heart thudding with worry.

“What’s wrong, Mom?” Sam asks as I run past.

“Tate!” I call as I run up the stairs.

When I reach the game room, I find Tate and Rowan playing a video game, both of them grinning. Tate is absolutely fine.

“Tate, you scared the crap out of me yelling like that!”

Rowan pauses the game, looking remorseful. My son barely spares me a look.

“Tate,” Rowan urges.


Rowan gives him a look. “I know you just got excited about the game, but you scared your mom. What do you say?”

“Sorry, Mom.”

I walk over to him and kiss the top of his head. He pulls away, scowling at me. “Eww, don’t.”

I don’t take it personally because, at home, he loves affection. He’s only embarrassed because it’s in front of Rowan.

“Hey Tate, can you give me a few minutes to talk to Rowan?” I say. “You can go ask Aunt Tess if she needs any help in the kitchen.”

“Do I have to?” He looks at Rowan instead of me.

“You have to do what your mom said.”

Tate sighs dramatically and leaves the room. I watch him go down the hallway and reach the stairs, making sure he’s gone before I close the door.

“Hi.” I turn around, my pulse pounding now that I’m alone with Rowan.

Last time we were alone, we were all over each other, on the edge of screwing each other’s brains out.

“Hey.” He smiles at me from the couch. “How are you?”

I walk over and sit down next to him. “I’m okay. Don’t mind the onion smell. I’ve been know, onions.”

Why am I so nervous? This is Rowan, I’ve known him for a year. But now that I know what his erection feels like against my body, I’m self-conscious.

“So I wanted to ask you for a couple of favors,” he says.

I pull my leg underneath me, turning to sit sideways so I can see him better.
