Page 39 of Passionate Hearts

“I’ll have you know that people find my relationship advice refreshing,” Allison grumbled.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I think I’m just in this weird place. I have everything I’ve ever wanted. So, this is when the universe usually sends something to fuck it up.”

Brianna tried to chuckle. She wanted to play her words off as a joke. But in truth her life had consistently blown up when she was at her happiest. Now she was doubly scared, because she’d never been happier than she was right now.

“I’m not saying that isn’t valid. And I’m not sure this is going to be helpful at all. But you can spend your life worrying about what’s coming to ruin your happiness. Or you can fully enjoy these moments while they last. Life is strange and nothing is guaranteed. So be happy right now in these moments.”

Brianna allowed Allison’s words to take root in her heart. She knew her friend was right. Focusing on the negative would only bring that to her quicker anyway.

“You’re very wise,” Brianna teased. The compliment was true, Allison was wise and smart. Still, she knew that the phrasing would niggle at her friend.

“Are you calling me old?” Allison pouted.

“I would never call you old. I called you wise. And people can be wise at any age,” Brianna grinned. Allison pinned her with a glare and Brianna burst out into laughter.

“I’m glad you’re here. Because I have something to show you,” Allison smiled.

“Show me. I love surprises.”

Allison reached into her desk drawer. She pulled out something that looked like an old photograph. The picture was strange, it looked like a potato in a cave. Brianna tilted her head from one side to the other, then adjusted the photo to different angles.

“Brianna, it’s a sonogram. That’s my baby,” Allison announced. Brianna’s eyes raised in surprise.

“A baby? Your baby?” Brianna asked.

“That’s right.”

“Oh my god! That’s incredible! What do you know so far?”

“Not much. I know the baby seems healthy so far. I’m at thirteen weeks,” Allison smiled.

“Does Taylor know yet?”

“I was going to wait for her to get back into town. But I finally told her over Facetime two nights ago. I just couldn’t wait,” Allison laughed.

“What was her reaction?”

“Extreme excitement. She’s wrapping her trip up and coming home early. She’s going to be flying in tonight.”

“This is incredible. I can’t. Wow! You’re pregnant. Who else knows?”

“Jordan knows. I mean she would kill me if I didn’t tell her. I actually told her first. I mean with Taylor out of town I needed someone to know. Then I told Brynn, too.”

“I bet as far as people go, she’s a good one to tell,” Brianna smiled.

“She’s been incredible. Every day she calls to check in on me. And she’s made sure that I’m fully stocked up on saltines and ginger ale,” Allison laughed.

“Oh, I can only imagine. I know she takes being there for her people very seriously.”

“She definitely does.”

“Thanks for telling me. It’s really sweet that I’m on the list of first humans to know. I’m so happy for you!”

Brianna was completely over-joyed for her friend. Her smile widened as far as it would go.

“You know before I met Taylor, I had gone through the most painful breakup of my life?” Allison offered.

“Oh yeah?”