Page 38 of Passionate Hearts

“No, like physically dropped me.”

“Okay, let’s hear the story,” River teased.

“I went out with this girl who was really big into rock climbing. Like rock climbing might have been her personality. And she wanted to take me to her rock-climbing gym for our date. This is not something I’m super into, but I love that she’s trying to include me in something she loves.”

“So, what happened?” Autumn laughed.

“She’s talking this whole date about how much she loves doing this. How good she is. On and on about rock climbing. So, we get there and I’ve never done this before. The woman is helping me get into my gear. It’s time for me to start climbing and it turns out she didn’t all the way secure the rope. We weremaybe one carabiner too few or something. I go to jump down, thinking I’m going to glide down on a rope. The rope sort of flies by me, and I fall ten feet. I land straight on my ass and break my tailbone.”

Everyone erupted into laughter.

“I think Brianna wins for worst dating story,” Autumn cackled.

“That definitely wins,” Willow chuckled.

“Oh, my goodness, you poor thing. Did she at least feel bad?” River asked.

“She blamed me for distracting her when she was setting up my gear.”

“What a jerk,” Mel said.

River loved how easily Brianna and her fit together. They were already a part of the same friend group. The entire night felt like magic in a bottle. River had never laughed so hard or felt so at peace.

Chapter 16

Brianna often felt as though she was one step behind where she needed to be in life. She had spent her early adulthood jumping from career to career. Now she was finally in a place where she was settled. Brianna couldn’t ask for a better work environment than Lez Getaway. And her relationship with River had her feeling over the moon. Her life was coming together.

She’d recently gone back to working primarily from home. But her friendship with Allison had been solidified. Now Brianna found herself coming in one morning a week to have coffee with her new friend. They had spent time talking about her relationship with River, as well as Allison’s marriage to her wife, Taylor. This morning they were meeting at the office for coffee.

Since Taylor was still out of town, Allison had been bringing Lulu into the office. The scraggly gray cat turned to glare at Brianna as she stepped inside Allison’s office. Brianna handed Allison a lavender latte with the squirts of classic.

“You know we have coffee here? You didn’t have to buy me any,” Allison teased.

“I know. But also, this office coffee is awful. So, I thought I’d bring you something real.”

“I’m very impressed that you remembered my coffee order,” Allison smiled.

“I have a strange talent for remembering drink orders.”

“I see that,” Allison smiled as she took a sip from her coffee.

“How are things going with River?” Allison asked.

“Honestly, they’ve been amazing. I’m trying not to worry about things going too well,” Brianna laughed.

“Too well?” Allison asked.

“You know, like waiting for an invisible shoe to drop.”

Brianna hated the feeling that things were so good they were likely to turn sour at any moment. Allison shook her head and smiled.

“Based on what you’ve told me so far there is no indication that will be the case,” Allison patted Brianna’s arm.

“Maybe. But things can’t just stay perfect forever.”

“I don’t know about that. It is true that struggles will happen. But it’s all in the way you handle those things.”

“They don’t call you in to give pep talks, do they?” Brianna laughed.