Page 32 of Passionate Hearts

Today, she was back at the orthopedist for X-rays. This would tell her if she could get rid of her braces. The alternative would be more surgery. Her doctor was a tall man who was balding and had no bedside manner. She supposed there was a benefit to being an orthopedist who told people things in a simple and direct way.

The nurse knocked once then came into the room, X-rays in hand. River watched as she set the X-rays up on the viewer. The nurse scurried away to find the doctor. River had to hand it to the office staff, everything ran like clockwork. The doctor came in two minutes later. River was given the all clear to function in her day to day life without the braces.

River couldn’t stop smiling as she walked out of the doctor’s office. Brianna was waiting for her beside the car. She was surprised that Brianna hadn’t tried to go inside with her.But Brianna hated doctors, she had assured River that she’d be waiting for her when she was done.

Things between her and Brianna had been cozy lately. There was much more incidental touching than there ever had been in their friendship before. A brushing of their fingers as Brianna handed her coffee in the morning. A scratch across the back as River walked past Brianna in the hallway. They hadn’t spoken about their feelings for each other, not since her breakup with Tiff. But things seemed headed in a particular direction.

River had told herself she wouldn’t make any moves until the doctor gave her the all- clear. An all clear which she had just gotten. She couldn’t be one hundred percent sure that Brianna shared her feelings. There were signs that she did. Brianna hadn’t been on a single date since she’d gone out with Logan that one time. They spent most nights cuddled up on the couch watching a movie before bed. That had never been their habit before.

River was determined to ask Brianna out. Now that there was nothing holding her back, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Brianna’s smile widened as River approached. The smile gave River an electric charge in her heart. A shock that sent shivers through her whole body.

“I see we’re brace-free,” Brianna laughed.

“I’m finally free,” River smiled.

“We should go celebrate,” Brianna suggested.

River’s heart leaped in her chest. She could swear it was doing somersaults. River imagined going out for a celebratory lunch with Brianna and asking her out. Years from now maybe they would laugh and call it their first date.

“I would like that. What did you have in mind?”

“It’s your celebration. Where do you want to go?”

“Let’s go to that brand new sushi place,” River suggested.

“Your chariot awaits.”

Brianna bowed, extending her arm towards the car. River covered her mouth with her hand and laughed. She hopped into Brianna’s car, ready for the adventure ahead. As they pulled out of the parking lot River’s phone buzzed with a message. She pulled it out to check her unread messages. River gasped as she read Tiff’s name on the screen. She and Tiff hadn’t spoken since the night she caught her with another woman. Since then, Tiff had the good sense not to reach out to her.

“What’s the matter?”

Brianna’s face twisted into an expression of concern.

“Nothing. I’m sorry. It’s just that Tiff sent me a message,” River answered.

“Tiff? What does she want?”

River read the message and rolled her eyes.

“She wants to clear the air between us. Which I’m sure is code for,I left some stuffatyour place and I want it back,” River laughed.

“What are you going to say back to her?” Brianna asked. There was a note of concern in her voice.

“I’m not sure. Right now, I’m going to go grab sushi with you.”

Everything inside of River wanted to reach over and take Brianna by the hand. Brianna who had shown up for her in all the ways that mattered most. Brianna who had helped her feel safe in her new reality. She willed her hand to stay frozen on her lap. But the desire didn’t leave. Brianna’s cheeks flushed pink, as if she was reading River’s mind.

Kawaii Sushi was without a doubt the cutest restaurant River had ever seen. It was like walking into a dream, nothing felt real. The walls were covered in the most adorable kawaii style posters. They ordered at the front counter then went to find a seat. Their table had an adorable decoration of a kitten in kawaii style.

“This place is almost too cute for words,” Brianna said, her eyes widened to take in everything around her.

“I agree. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

River’s eyes landed on Brianna. She couldn’t help but take in the sight of her. The bow shape of her full lips. The cuteness of Brianna’s lopsided smile. River couldn’t deny her feelings anymore. When it came to Brianna she was smitten.

“I wanted to come here for another reason.”

River’s heart felt like it was lodged in her throat. She didn’t know whether she wanted to confess her undying love, or just jump out of the window.