Page 33 of Passionate Hearts

“What’s that?” Brianna asked.

“I’ve been thinking a lot since my breakup with Tiff. I’ve been thinking about us,” River locked eyes with Brianna and she felt warmth spreading through her chest.

“Us?” Brianna asked. River could hear the hesitation in Brianna’s voice. She knew that Brianna wasn’t sure what direction she was about to take.

“Yes. I’ve been thinking about the decisions I made. I’ve been thinking about how I wish I had chosen you. And not just because of how things ended with Tiff, but because my feelings for you are so much stronger than they ever were for her. Brianna, I love you. I am in love with you. And I don’t know if you reciprocate those feelings. Or if you can ever forgive me for not choosing you to begin with. But if you can, I promise to choose you every day from here on out.”

The words came so naturally to River that she almost didn’t have to think about them at all. She was, quite literally, speaking from her heart. Brianna’s face was unreadable. A wave of anxiety crashed into River’s heart. Had she waited too long? Had Brianna decided to move on to other love interests? River didn’t have to wait long for her answers. Brianna reached her hands across the table and took River’s in her own. River felt the softness of Brianna’s skin, the warmth as her hands closed around River’s.

“You will always be my choice. I wanted to wait. I wanted to give you a chance to get over what happened between you and Tiff. But I am in love with you, too. And I cannot wait to start building a life with you.”

River’s heart was a five-alarm fire in a fireworks factory. Happiness buzzed through her entire being. Her smile was so wide that her face was sore, but River couldn’t wipe it from her face. It had taken them a long time, too long. But she and Brianna had worked everything out, and they had found their way to one another. River couldn’t take her eyes off of Brianna. A heat formed low inside her core, causing an ache to form between her thighs.

The look in Brianna’s eyes told River that she was feeling the same way. River let her foot slide up Brianna’s leg. She smiled as she watched Brianna bite her lower lip. They ate the rest of their meal quickly and practically ran back to the car. River still wasn’t in running shape, but she hobbled quickly.

Brianna’s foot was heavy as she put it on her gas pedal. It occurred to River that there was no more reason to hold back. She laid her hand on Brianna’s thigh and squeezed. They jolted to a stop at a red light. River let her hand slowly creep up Brianna’s thigh, closer and closer to her core.

“River, I can’t,” Brianna protested.

“You can’t what?” River teased.

“I can’t take what you’re doing to me right now,” Brianna moaned.

River leaned in until her lips brushed Brianna’s ear.


River heard Brianna swallow hard. She smiled and laid a kiss on Brianna’s neck. Her hand squeezed Brianna’s leg in time. River’s fingers found Brianna’s core and teased her over her jeans. She watched as Brianna fought to maintain control. Brianna screeched into a spot. River wasn’t ready to let her go. She grabbed Brianna and crushed their mouths together. Brianna moaned into her mouth. It only made her want to go deeper.

Brianna reached across River and pushed her seat all the way back. River felt a jolt as her seat moved. The next moment Brianna was mounting her. River laughed at the sight of Brianna’s knee riding the center console. Space was limited, but River knew they could make it work. Brianna’s hand foundits way between River’s thighs. Brianna slid her hand down the front of River’s athletic pants and found her clit. Now it was River’s turn to moan. She locked eyes with Brianna who was giving her a wide grin. River supposed turnabout was fair play.

River felt her eyes rolling to the back of her head as her pleasure mounted. Brianna began kissing her neck as she teased her clit. It was enough. River jumped off the ledge as her pleasure swallowed her up like a riptide. Brianna landed a kiss on River’s lips and lingered there.

River’s hands travelled down Brianna’s body. For weeks she’d wanted to touch Brianna. She’d been yearning for this moment, and here it was in front of her. River slid her hands up Brianna’s shirt and bra. She rotated between pinching Brianna’s nipples and palming them in her hands. Brianna’s kisses grew more feverish, as if she was hoping to spur River forward. River ran a hand down Brianna’s body and inside her pants.

Brianna whimpered as River slid two fingers inside her. River kept pace with the rocking of Brianna’s body, curling her fingers as they went deeper inside. She could feel Brianna’s body tighten around her, unwilling to let her fingers go. River allowed her thumb to swipe Brianan’s clit. Once, twice, and on the third time Brianna groaned as her orgasm overtook her. They smiled at one another, solidifying the moment. They had both waited for so long, and River wanted to savor this time for as long as she could.

Chapter 14

Walking on clouds was the only way Brianna could describe her life currently. Entering into her relationship with River she’d felt like she knew her pretty well. But nothing had prepared her for relearning River as a dating partner. River’s sweet and romantic side had cracked Brianna’s heart open from day one.

Today, was a big day. They were having lunch with River’s parents, and they were finally going to tell them that they were a couple. Brianna had been around River’s family a lot since they’d become roommates, but that did very little to quell her nerves.

“Are you still nervous?” River asked.

Brianna glanced over at River, and immediately found her breath taken away. River was leaning against the kitchen counter, her hands folded across her chest. River’s smile had a way of disarming Brianna to the very core of her being.

“I know your parents like me. It’s just that this is different. I’m not just your roommate, now I’m your girlfriend. Not only that but you and Tiff haven’t been broken up for very long. I’m just worried about how they’re going to feel about everything. Is it going to come across like we’re moving too fast…”

River closed the distance between them and cut Brianna off by kissing her on the lips.

“Sweetie, if there’s one thing I can say about our relationship. It is that we moved painfully slow. And if I have to explain that to my parents I will. But I think they’ll be really happy for us,” River assured her.

“You think so?”

“Babe, my parents adore you,” River smiled.

“Thanks,” Brianna said. She leaned her forehead against River’s shoulder.