Page 29 of Passionate Hearts

“I’m glad we did this,” Brianna admitted.

“Me, too.”

I know I messed up, but you are so important to me. I wanted to try and smooth things over.”

“It’s going to be a process. But you’re too important to me to ever let one slip ruin our friendship,” Brianna smiled.

The smile lit up Brianna’s entire face. She really was a gorgeous woman. The low lighting of the place cast a warming glow on Brianna’s features. River’s heart beat harder in her chest. She was pretty sure that the surrounding tables could hear her heartbeat, it was so loud in her own ears.

“Tell me more about Logan,” River prodded.

If they were going to get back to being friends River knew she needed to lean into the role. Briann eyed her cautiously at first, as if assessing her motives. A moment later her smile had returned. River knew that Brianna was leaning into the interaction as well.

“She’s the whole package. She’s athletic and toned. I mean Logan is so fit. But she also has a soft side. I can tell because of how much she cares about the people in her classes.She’s also hilarious. Which you know I have a soft spot for people who can make me laugh.”

“It’s true, humor does rank up there for you,” River laughed.

Their drinks seemed to be taking longer than River had expected. Her eyes naturally travelled to the bar, then froze. The lighting was low, but River would recognize Tiff anywhere. Her girlfriend was dressed in her best button-up shirt and black slacks. She’d trimmed her hair into an undercut. She looked good, stunning even. And she wasn’t there alone. River’s focus faded from Brianna as she zoomed in on Tiff and the attractive woman, she had with her. The woman was also dressed to kill in a deep red dress that didn’t match the establishment around them.

River’s mind worked double time to find the benefit of the doubt for Tiff. Maybe she and the woman were just friends. Or maybe this was a colleague or client. But Tiff’s hand rested on the woman’s knee. There was a sudden lurch in River’s stomach. She had texted Tiff earlier about getting together to talk. But Tiff had plans she couldn’t get out of. Was the attractive woman in the red dress Tiff’s plans? The room was spinning around her.

“Hey, friend. Are you okay?” Brianna asked. River focused on the sound of Brianna’s voice and allowed it to pull her back to shore.

“Not really. Look at the bar,” River said as nausea rose in her stomach.

Brianna turned to look at the bar. Her head snapped back to River in realization.

“Holy shit! Is that Tiff?” Brianna asked in a hushed whisper.

“It is,” River acknowledged. Something shiny glimmered on Tiff’s wrist. It was the expensive gold watch River had bought the woman for her birthday. That sent an unimaginable pang of sadness through River.

She and Brianna watched as Tiff leaned in and gave the woman a peck on the cheek. Anger replaced sadness and boiled inside of River.

“We should go. I can’t watch this,” River whispered.

“We can leave if you want. Just head to the front.”

Brianna was all smiles, but River sensed there was something beyond the expression on Brianna’s face.

“B, what are you about to do?” River asked.

“Nothing at all. I’ll catch right up.”

River was suspicious but she did as Brianna directed. Brianna on the other hand walked right up to the bar, glassof water in hand. When she was close Brianna made a show of accidentally tripping, spilling the whole glass of water down Tiff’s shirt. Tiff screeched as the cold water hit her. River almost laughed out loud. She watched as Brianna lifted a finger in front of Tiff’s face, accusing her. Brianna didn’t back down even as Tiff stood from her seat. For a moment River wondered if she should intervene. The woman that was with Tiff grabbed her by the arm, calming her down. This obviously wasn’t a first date for the two of them. Tiff threw her hands in the air as if frustrated. Brianna extended her hand towards the woman, palm up. River knew she was asking Tiff for something but couldn’t imagine what it could be.

River was shocked when a still angry Tiff unclasped her watch and handed it over to Brianna. River smiled. That watch had been Tiff’s pride and joy for three months. River had bought the piece for Tiff’s birthday. River had known that Tiff had always wanted a watch like that but would never spend the money. River frowned at the memory now. Brianna walked towards River with an unreadable expression on her face. Tiff watched her go, and her eyes eventually fell on River.

River willed herself not to cry. Not now. Not in front of Tiff. At least Tiff had the good sense to bow her head and avoid River’s gaze. Brianna handed the watch to River, and they walked out.

River was a swirl of complicated emotions. The anger and sadness she felt were evident, but below that was regret. Regret was the sinking feeling at the bottom of her stomach. She hadchosen Tiff, while the woman was actively seeking other options. How long had Tiff been seeing that woman? When had she started looking for someone new? River probably wouldn’t ever get the answers to those questions. And if she did, it was unlikely to make her feel any better. They arrived back at Brianna’s car and loaded up.

Hot tears stung River’s eyes and fell down her face. Brianna pulled her in for an embrace, holding her close. The smell of Brianna’s shampoo filled River’s nose. Being in Brianna’s arms felt natural, and safe.

“I’m so sorry, friend,” Brianna said.

River was sorry, too. She regretted so many things about the past two weeks. But there was no going back now. Hindsight was twenty-twenty. If she just could have found out about Tiff two days or two weeks prior, River could have made a different decision. But Brianna was the woman comforting her, Tiff was off with another woman, and River was alone. How had she possibly chosen Tiff over Brianna? When it was clear that between the two of them Brianna cared for her more. Tiff hadn’t even tried to make their relationship sustainable. The honeymoon period had ended and so had Tiff’s interest. That was so clear to River now. Why hadn’t she seen that weeks ago? Brianna’s hand gripped her shoulder, holding her tight. River let herself cry, and she allowed it to be ugly. She had made her decision and now she had to live with it.

Chapter 12