Page 28 of Passionate Hearts

River was beyond happy that her talk with Brianna had gone as well as it had. Brianna had every right to hold this entire situation against her. All she could hope was that she could show Brianna that she intended to be as good a friend to her as she could be from this moment on.

It wasn’t as if Tiff was a consolation prize. She and Tiff had been happy for months in the beginning of their relationship. Tiff had come out of the gate strong when it came to her relationship with River. There had been fancy dates and lavish gifts. In recent months the glamor of their relationship had faded as the newness wore off. Even so, there had been plenty of talks about marriage. They had even gone to look at rings a couple months before her accident.

River had been waiting for Tiff to propose. She’d been sure that moment was waiting just around the corner. River had always been the type of woman who focused on the future. She looked towards what was next, versus what was happening now. Had that caused her to miss something important about her relationship with Tiff? Had she been so focused on what came next with the woman that she’d been ignoring red flags this whole time?

Tiff had swept her off of her feet. In the beginning of their relationship Tiff had been so romantic. They had met at a birthday party for a mutual friend of theirs. Tiff had been quick to flirt with River. River had immediately been drawn to Tiff’s confidence and the way she carried herself. Tiff had been impressed with River’s success in putting together several drop shipping storefronts. They had talked about business and goals and found that much of their aspirations lined up.

Tiff had been the first to sayI love you. If River was honest, once she’d committed and said her own,I love youTiff had pulled away. Once the chase had ended Tiff had seemed more interested in going through the motions instead of continuing their romance. Sure, Tiff had enjoyed the benefits of River being close. With River’s humor and good looks, Tiff had enjoyed introducing her to clients and colleagues alike. But now, River found herself wondering if Tiff viewed her more as arm candy than she did a girlfriend. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t been around as much since the accident. What good was River if Tiff couldn’t show her off?

River shook her head and tried to calm her thoughts. She didn’t like thinking the worst of her girlfriend. It was clear that they needed to have a conversation about where the relationship was headed. In the meantime, River had to focus on resetting her friendship with Brianna. River had a lot to make up for where Brianna was concerned.

When she heard Brianna come home, she came out of her bedroom. Brianna was sweaty and looked a little worse for wear. River chuckled to herself.

“Did you and Jordan have a good Krav Maga class?” River asked.

“How did you know that’s where I was?”

“You look like you’ve been put through the wringer,” River laughed.

A shadow passed over Brianna’s face, and for a moment her expression was unreadable. Brianna smiled and seemed to make her mind up about something.

“Actually, I did have a pretty great time.”

“Oh yeah, tell me about it,” River said with genuine interest.

“I got asked out on a date,” Brianna announced. It was clear to River that her friend was trying to reestablish their friendship. She wanted to observe River’s reaction. River knew this was her opportunity to show Brianna how much she cared for her and their friendship. This was her chance to be happy for Brianna. Even though the idea of Brianna going on a date with someone else sent an unpleasant feeling of jealousy traveling up her spine.

River didn’t like the unpleasant jolt that stung its way through her at Brianna’s announcement. She’d told Brianna that Tiff was her choice. Brianna had every right to explore her options. River needed to allow herself to be happy for Brianna. That’s what her friend deserved.

“That’s great news. Do you like her?” River asked.

She tried not to sound too desperate when she asked if Brianna liked Logan.

“Yeah. I think she’s probably going to be a lot of fun to go out with. I mean I won’t lie, I am a little bit intimidated by her.”

River was overjoyed to get her flow back with Brianna. It was nice to have her friend opening up to her, even if it was about a new crush. Apparently, Brianna moved faster than River had given her credit for. She scolded herself internally for that thought. She hadn’t given Brianna any reason to hold off looking elsewhere. She kicked herself a little.

“You, intimidated? Why would you be intimidated?” River hoped she didn’t sound too eager.

“Logan is in such good shape,” Brianna admitted.

“So are you,” River laughed.

“Compared to Logan I am in passable shape only.”

This Logan chick must be a beast if Brianna was worried about being out of shape.

“Brianna, you are in incredible shape. Besides I doubt that this woman would have flirted with you and asked you out if she didn’t find you attractive.”

Brianna tilted her head to the side, she was obviously taking River’s words in. Brianna had made that same motion a hundred times before, but for some reason today it seemed extra sexy.Stop it!River chastised herself.

“Maybe you’re right. Thanks, buddy. Are you ready to get out of here?”

“I am absolutely ready to go,” River laughed.

The two of them decided to go to Slim Pickens, billed as an upscale chicken restaurant. Once they arrived River took in the aesthetic. The walls were wood paneling, the tables were decorated with checkered tablecloths. For a moment River couldn’t believe that she had been the one to suggest this place. Still, Brianna seemed to warm up to it. River knew that no matter where they went Brianna could turn it into a good time. She couldn’t keep a smile from spreading across her face at the realization.

It was clear that the swanky bar was the only reason the restaurant was billed as upscale. Their server sat them at acorner table and took their drink orders, leaving them each with a glass of water to get started.