Brianna waited nervously for Logan to pick her up for dinner. She had offered to stay home with River, but the woman had refused to let her miss her date. River had been a blurry-eyed mess since last night. Guilt was an icy cold feeling in her veins. But Brianna pushed that aside. She wanted to have a fun night with an attractive woman that liked her. Logan had been upfront about asking her out. The intentions were clear, and that was refreshing. Brianna didn’t know enough about Logan to say whether they’d get along, but she was hopeful.
Brianna pulled out a can of soup and heated it in the microwave while she waited. When it was done she put it on the kitchen counter. Brianna knocked tentatively on River’s door before opening it. River hadn’t done much working today. That alone was enough to make Brianna worry. River loved work. She worked for herself, so every hour was an investment in her own projects. Today, River had spent most of her time in bed.
“Hey,” River said from underneath her blankets.
Brianna had to smile at the scene in front of her. She couldn’t even see River; she was completely hidden in her own little den.
“I made you some soup. Promise me that you’ll get up and eat in a bit.”
Usually, Brianna went out of her way to avoid sounding bossy. Today though, Brianna didn’t care if she came across as bossy. All that mattered was convincing River to take care of herself.
“What kind of soup?” River whimpered. This time Brianna couldn’t hold back a tiny chuckle. She walked over and sat on the edge of River’s bed.
“It’s chicken noodle soup,” Brianna offered.
“But I’m not sick,” River protested.
“You don’t have to be sick to drink chicken noodle soup.”
Brianna heard River give a tiny huff before sitting up in bed. River turned to look at Brianna, her eyes were red and blotchy.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” River asked.
“You’re my friend. Of course, I’m being nice to you,” Brianna laughed.
River only moaned and flopped back down. She pulled the comforter back over her head.
Brianna’s phone buzzed and she pulled it out to check her messages. River folded her blankets down just enough for one eye to be visible.
“That’s Logan. She’s waiting for me outside. Are you sure you’re going to be alright?”
“Of course. I’m just being dramatic. Go have an amazing night.”
River attempted a smile that looked more like a grimace, but Brianna appreciated the effort.
“Thanks, buddy. I’ll bring you some dessert from wherever we eat.”
That seemed to cheer River up, even if it was only slightly. Her friend smiled at her. Brianna patted River on the leg then rose.
“I’ll come say goodnight after I get in.”
“You mean if you get in,” River chuckled.
“Eh, I don’t think we’re going to end up in bed together. Not tonight anyway.”
“Whatever you feel comfortable with,” River said genuinely.
Brianna’s thoughts had been in a semi-constant loop since the previous night. The truth was that there was an elephant in the room that no one was acknowledging. Brianna and River still had feelings for one another. They had agreed to put those feelings to the side, but that was because of River’s relationship status. A status that as of last night had changed. The two of them hadn’t spoken about the feelings that still existed between them.
Did Brianna want another chance at something serious with River? If she were honest with herself, she didn’t know. Her feelings for River ran deep. But there were some things she wasn’t sure she could get over. River had been given the chance to choose Brianna, but she hadn’t. Could Brianna really be upset that River had wanted to work on things with Tiff? They had been together for nine months, surely that was a long enough time to devote some care to the relationship. Even so Brianna had been hurt by River’s decision. Which brought her right back to this moment, walking downstairs to meet her date for the evening.
Logan drove a sporty black Jeep; the color almost matched her hair. Brianna gave Logan a once over. She quickly realized that she’d always seen Logan wearing her hair up or at the very least braided. Tonight, Logan’s hair fell in dark feathery waves down her back. Her icy blue eyes were as keen as they always were. Once Brianna had sat in the passenger side, Logan pulled her in for a hug. The scent of sandalwood filled Brianna’s nose.
“You look incredible tonight,” Logan smiled and locked eyes with Brianna.
“Thank you. You look amazing, too.”
Brianna felt a surge of heat sun through her cheeks. Logan started up the car and began to drive. She asked Brianna about her day. Brianna hesitated for a moment, should she be completely honest? Considering that most of Brianna’s day had involved taking care of River. Honesty was the best policy, especially when it came to dating. She told Lauren all about her and River’s encounter with Tiff the night before, and how sad River had been that day. Logan didn’t offer much in the way of commentary, she simply listened to what Brianna had to say.