“I hope so.”
“Ryker is looking for the cave with the portal back to Terra, and also for the Dark Prince who has heard your melody. That is why he keeps leaving. He thinks the man who caused the accident was the Dark Prince who has been stealing melodies. Ryker has been searching all summer, and I was here to protect you as much as I could, but Ryker is really better at that job. After all, he is a guardian knight. I am a descendant of the keepers–although I have never been fully trained.”
“So, some evil prince is after me? Ryker is a knight?” I remembered some things about Terran knights. Was he from Torren? It was said that there were no better and no braver knights than those from Torren in my mother’s storybook.
“Yes, and Ryker is a knight who is sworn to keep you safe.”
“A knight from Torren?”
“Yes, good memory, Emma. He is from the Torren knight bloodline, descended from the great King Ronan himself, although a distant cousin. He is a noble turned knight.”
“What is akeeperexactly? I do not remember it from the storybook,” I asked, puzzled.
“A keeper is someone whokeepsthings safe for the Ancient seekers. I promise, I will explain everything to you in time; it is all very complicated, Emma.”
“But why would he, this Dark Prince, not take me after the car crash? We were there alone, and he just gave me his jacket–”
“I don’t know. We are confused, too. It made us even more worried, to be honest. So we decided to pick up the pace and try to leave as soon as we could. Ryker has been trying to find the portal home for a long time. This prince has been traveling around to different cities, taking melodies from Terran refugees, and no one has been able to stop him. No one knows for certain from which kingdom he came. Your father assured us that your melody was guarded well, so we didn’t worry about it. However, once they died, that changed. Ryker and I were able to suppress your melody, somewhat, once we reached the hospital, but by that time, you had already broadcasted to the entire Earthly realm that you were here.”
“Excuse me? Then shouldn’t I have a little bit more protection than just from you?” I stood up, fear causing me to shake.
“Ryker has put up safe guards, and Shad is helping to keep you safe, too, I see,” she said, pointing to the necklace I wore, which Shad had gifted to me—the crystal.
“This?” I held it up.
“That is a seeker’s crystal—very rare; it suppresses your melody so that you are no longer a beacon. It is a shame that we did not have it sooner, because Ryker and I have been worn out, shielding your soul for so long. There is much to discuss. We can speak in the morning, but only after you get a good night’ssleep. It has been a rather big day for you, with Homecoming—and then all of this.”
I looked down at my homecoming dress. How different that night had been from what I expected. I nodded. “Thank you for telling me all this.”
“I am sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I was afraid.”
“I can see why you were afraid; it’s pretty crazy news.”
“Don’t take off that necklace, Emma. It's keeping you hidden, better than Ryker and I ever could.”
I nodded and walked to my room, closed the door, and flung myself onto my bed with a grunt.
Are you okay?I jumped, not yet used to hearing messages inside of me.
Are you okay? You seem upset, and it’s making me worry.
You can’t read my mind and find out?I shoved my face into a pillow.So much for cell phones, I thought.
It doesn’t work like that. I can only hear what you let me hear.
I then remembered what he had said earlier, and I opened up the memory of talking with Mary and of the letter. Speaking to him, navigating my melody and sending things over to Shad, was like breathing. Once I knew what it could do, what it was, it was as if I was set free, set free to be who I was always supposed to be.
You get that?I sent him my conversation with Mary, and her telling me that I was from Terra, that I was a Terran. The only thing I did not tell him, not yet at least–one thing at a time–was that I was, indeed, confirmed to be an heir, too, like him.
You—you are from Terra, then? I knew you had to be. Ryker doesn’t tell me anything. Blast him.The emotion sent with that message was amazement, then irritation toward Ryker.
I guess so. I am magical, I guess–I think it is the coolest thing to be these days. Everyone I know is Terran–like literally.
I heard a soft chuckle, bouncing around inside me.Emma, this isn’t too overwhelming for you?