Page 79 of The Heir

It feels kinda like I have always known. I mean, yeah, I never knew all these things were real, but I always knew there was something—something I was missing. After my parents died, the hole I felt inside me was just too much, and it consumed me, until I met you, and you spoke to my soul—literally, it seems—waking me up from the confusion that was inside of me.

I am so sorry you never knew Terra.

I feel like I know some things. My mother told me about it; I will have to re-read all the stories again. My aunt told me that Ryker is trying to take me there, take me home. It isn’t safe for me here. There is someone who wants my melody.Really, all ‘doom and gloom,’ makes me feel like a comic book character.

Mary told you that someone is after your melody?

Yes, some dark prince is stealing people’s melodies, and I guess Ryker got here through a portal in a cave, and if he can find that cave, we can go home.

Emma, I know where that cave is. I came here with Ryker.

Chapter Twenty-One

“What do you mean you know where the cave is? What do you mean, you came here with Ryker? Are you serious? That seems to be what Ryker has been killing himself over for all this time, and you couldn’t have told him?” I whisper-shouted into the phone. I couldn’t do the whole soul–melody speaking thing anymore. It was something I was going to have to get used to, so I had called him on the phone, needing to hear his voice in my ears, not just within my soul.

He was quiet on the other end of the line. I waited for him to answer me, “He did not tell me he was looking for the cave. I did not know,” he spoke quickly, as if he hadn’t told me quickly enough, I wouldn’t have believed him. “I don’t understand why he hates you so much. You are one of the best people I have ever known.

“Mary said this crystal you gave me is keeping me hidden from this dark prince guy.”

“Nothing will happen to you while Keil and I are here, I promise you, Emma. I will do whatever I can to protect you.”

“Thanks, Shad. I am just so worried about Ryker, knowing he is out there all alone. What if the Dark Prince finds him and kills him, too?”

“Did you call him? Try to get a hold of him, and we can let him know that he can stop searching. I will gladly take him there.”

“I will try.” My soul’s melody, happy that I knew its name, sang to Shad and called out for him, and he called back, his own song calling to mine, causing me to feel peace and calm. “How do you do that?” I asked through the phone.

“You and I are not like most people. We are special, even for Terrans. Did your aunt not tell you?”

“What does that mean?” I asked.

He cleared his throat. “We share a special connection.”


“We are better at communicating with our souls’ melodies than others are. It is like our melodies long to reach out to each other and sing together.”

“That is for sure,” I laughed.

“Call Ryker. I know you worry about him. Call him and tell him that he can come home.”

“Thank you Shad.”

I tried twice that night to call Ryker, but they both went right to voicemail. I was certain that he was just busy hiking, and once he reached a place where he had service, he would check his voicemails—at least, that is what I told myself. It didn’t seem like something I should leave on a voicemail, so I simply stated that Mary told me about my parents, and I knew everything, and that Shad had info on what he was looking for, and he should come home. I thought it was vague enough and yet detailed enough. He should’ve been able to catch on. I waited up until around three in the morning, hoping for a call back, and then I fell asleep.

I woke up to pounding at my bedroom door. I was still wearing my Homecoming dress.Did that all really happen last night? First, the perfect dance, and then, finding out I’m a princess from Terra?

“Come in,” I groaned, and Mary entered, looking like someone had died. Her face was so pale.

“Emma, we need to go—now,” she cried, running into my room and pulling open drawers, throwing things into a bag.

“What's going on?” I asked, trying to rub sleep from my eyes. I looked behind her. Shad stood in the doorway with Keil at his heels. He looked incredibly attractive in his black pants, and gray dress shirt—no tie. He also held a tall glass of water.

“Good morning, Emma; we are leaving,” Shad said, walking into the room with a glass of water, placing it on my bedside table and holding out an aspirin in his palm.

“How did you—” I looked up at him, and he pointed to his heart.

“You are radiating a small headache in your emotional and physical forecast this morning,” he answered with a smirk. I gulped down the medicine and drank the cool water. He was different that morning. His secret was out, and he was more relaxed.Is finally telling me his secret that much of a release for him?He always seemed so perfect, always saying the right thing and doing the right thing, but that morning, he was also so relaxed. I could feel it emanating from him, from his soul’s melody.