“Maybe not, but they view you as their savior. Most of them are already calling to name you and the five stooges here the next Elder council,” Hemsworth tells me, jumping on the bed to curl in my lap.
My nose crinkles at that title, and I shake my head vehemently. “Absolutely not. There will be no more Elders. Nuh-uh, I fucking refuse to be called that.”
“We thought you might say that.” Kaos chuckles. “Which is why we’ve already declined that idea.”
“Oh, thank the Goddess,” I say, the weight lifted off my chest with that admission.
“But,” he starts. Should’ve known there would be a but. “We did have another idea…”
“And what’s that?” I ask.
“What if we made a supernatural council where we all vote and decide on matters pertaining to our community together? Shifters and Weavers alike. We’ll let the people elect who they want on the council,” Reed responds. The idea is surprising but in line with what the Goddess would want for us. Reed sure is stepping into the role of King and it fits him well. Even if he’s still my nerdy, fairy porn lover.
I take a moment to chew on the idea. “That’s… actually a brilliant idea and a step in the right direction.”
“Then it’s settled.”
“So it is,” I whisper.
The ideas and possibilities of a council are endless… The people will get a say in how things are run and how their future will pan out. The world will no longer be divided by archaic bullshit started by people who festered hate in their hearts. And it’s crazy to think my journey with this world started with a lake and a concert.
Trouble has always seemed to follow me like smoke to beauty, but for once, I am grateful that said trouble has stuck around. It's brought me into a world where I feel more at home than ever before and found me five mates who complete me in every way imaginable. A family.
Fate always has a plan for us, even when we're not always ready for it. She damn sure has a funny way of showing you exactly everything you need.
And I wouldn’t change a single thing.
My hand slides down as I slowly caress my stomach and a contented sigh escapes me. I sink further into the chair, running my fingers over my bulging belly.
Vinson made the most delicious feast, and I definitely overate. Now I’m nursing the giant food baby he put in me. I glance at my empty plate, wishing I could magic a second helping of Vinson’s homemade mashed potatoes. They paired excellently with his fried chicken. But alas, I’m too full. If I eat anything else, I think I’ll go into a food coma.
Speaking of babies, one of Hemsworth’s pups comes bounding into the dining room. His motor function skills aren’t quite all there yet, and he goes sliding into my chair when he tries to stop. It doesn’t even phase him as he dives for a crumb that one of us dropped on the floor. A chuckle escapes me and then a groan. Food babies are no joke.
Shortly after the final showdown with the Elders, Emma found her own familiar. A gorgeous, fox-red Labrador Retriever named Jane, and Hemsworth fell instantly in love with her. They bonded, did the deed, and now here we are. Six puppies later. They’re breeding the next hellion league of familiars.
Truth be told, a lot happened after the final battle. Starting with picking up our damaged selves and burying the dead—respectfully. We decided to make the safe haven our home and are currently building additions to house everyone.
So many memories happened at the Kings’ estate and while I’ll cherish those memories forever… The haven was our chance to start fresh and where our unity as a community really began. None of us needed that lavish lifestyle. Kaos, Dante, and Elian handed the vineyard and estate over to some locals who have turned it into a wedding venue and touristy wine tasting area.
Vinson took over as Alpha for Pack Haven—a role he’s fitting into quite well if I do say so myself. It’s hot being mated to the Alpha. All the raunchy shifter novels I’ve ever read are coming to life—my life. And when Vin gets bossy and growly? Ugh, I love it.
My entire Circle was elected as a part of the new supernatural council, alongside Emma, Nick, Niall, Adam, Matilda, and surprisingly Hades, who found out his Circle’s mate is a shifter. There’s no more division between Light and Night Weavers. We’re all simply Weavers now.
Weavers and shifters.
Since that fateful night, more and more mate bonds have been happening across all three races. Each and every pairing is different, and that’s what I love about them. They’re unique.
Oh, and we added cell phone towers and internet lines to the safe haven property. Because while I’m content living in nature, I’m not content to miss out on Ash’s new lifestyle.
My phone rings and I glance at the caller ID. Speak of the devil. She may be human, but I swear she has ESP and knows when I’m thinking of her.
“Hey, Ashes!” I say, putting the phone up to my ear. I hear a lot of chatter and music in the background so I’m assuming she’s at work. Our relationship is a lot better than it was. Her betrayal still hurts, but I forgave her because our friendship knows no bounds, and ultimately, I love her. Everyone makes mistakes; it’s what we do about it to fix them that matters.
Like I said, fresh start.