Page 87 of Called By Fate

“Hey, Sades! How are things with the puppies?”

“They're as rambunctious as ever,” I say with a laugh, glancing at one trying to eat Dante’s shoelace. “They certainly take after their dad. How’s the job going?”

“It’s wonderful,” she responds, a dreamy quality to her voice. “I mean the dick is great too, but being on tour? I fucking love it.”

Oh, Ash. Always hankering for the D.

Yep, that’s right. The hot rock star, Brandon Luck, was so taken by Ash, he invited her to become his personal designer. Apparently, before they fucked on his tour bus, she told him about her love of design… and well, he remembered.

Secretly, I think he just wanted her there with him. They’ve been touring around the US for the past three months and she’s been sending me pictures. I’m definitely not jealous at all.

There’s a husky laugh in the background and then two male voices talking about her ass. Did I mention she took Carter, the beta shifter, with her too? Brandon’s into some kinky shit according to Ash. I didn’t ask the details. I know more about her sex life than any friend should ever know.

She tells me all about the newest outfit she designed for Brandon, the tour, the sex—much to my chagrin. They’re totally rocking the ménage à trois vibes.

We still have plans to open a cross species women’s fight club, but it’ll have to wait until she’s finished touring and settles down. Besides, I’m getting plenty of training in with all the Weavers and shifters around, but I don’t plan on letting my passion die. It’ll happen one day when I’m ready.

“Ow,fuck!” Dante yells when one of the pups accidentally bites his finger while he’s petting it. “I know I taste like chicken, but you can’t eat me!”

I chuckle, and he shoots me a playful death glare. “Sorry, Ash. Gotta go deal with the latest craziness! Love ya!”

“Eat some dick for meee!” is the last thing I hear before I end the call to focus on the chaos currently breaking out around me.

“Ow, fuck!” the pup repeats, talking for the first time, making my jaw drop and a snort escape. Then I inwardly cringe because Hemsworth is going to besopissed at those first words. They’ve been waiting to see if they’ll talk for weeks now and his first words wereow, fuck.

At least it wasn’t my doing.Dante makes an outraged face when he hears my inner thought, and I stick my tongue out at him like a mature adult.

“Oooh, you’re in trouble now,” Kaos says, grabbing our empty plates so he can do the dishes.

“The pup started it!” Dante defends.

Elian cracks a small smile, watching the scene unfold. Vinson shakes his head at Dante’s antics, and Reed looks up from his pen and paper. He’s been writing a smut book for me to read, and I’m trying to convince him to publish it. He says it’s for my eyes only but won’t let me read it until he’s finished. I’m dying to get a peek at it. Even Kaos has read his draft and helped here and there. It’s totally not fair.

The only thing placating me is the thought of when I actuallydoget to read it and the hot steamy sex that will come after.

Hemsworth waltzes through the doorway with the other five pups crawling all over him. “Eat dick!” the trouble-making pup under Dante’s feet calls out.

My eyes widen, Hemsworth’s eyes widen, and then he narrows them on me. “It’s not my fault, dammit! Blame Ash’s big mouth,” I defend before he can say anything.

“Did my… did my pup just say ‘eat dick?’” he asks calmly, too calmy.

“Run for it!” I holler and hop out of my chair with the others on my heels. Minus Elian. He’s not afraid of anything. Not even a pissed off dog dad.

The food baby makes me a bit slower and Hemsworth catches up easily, pouncing on me. I collapse onto the grass with him on top and laugh, ruffling his fur. I manage to get my hand on his ass where he loves to be scratched and he goes limp, all the fight fading out of him.

“I can’t believe my pup’s first words were eat dick.”

I wince and he doesn’t miss it. “Actually, it was ‘ow, fuck.’”

He shakes his head and heaves a long-suffering sigh. “Better than eat dick, I guess.”

He hops off me and Vinson helps me to my feet. My mates each put a hand on me as we walk back to the cabin. A chorus of “fucks,” “eat dicks,” and “stubborn pricks,” reaches our ears, alongside a ripping sound and we burst inside to find utter pandemonium.

The trouble-making pup has ripped open one of the couch pillows and is throwing stuffing everywhere which two of the other pups are going to town on. The other three pups are sitting to the side, practicing their howls alongside their newfound vocabulary.

Elian’s phone rings and he shoots me a look before stepping outside to take it. Uh-huh, leave the mess for the rest of us, I see how it is. I snatch up the rowdy pup tearing into the pillow while Kaos grabs another. Hemsworth boops the last one playing in the stuffing, and he stops.

Jane, Hemsworth’s mate, walks in and sees the mess. “Pups!” she growls, using that motherly tone that all mothers have. Even Hemsworth snaps to attention. “Our room, now!” she says, and they squeal. Kaos and I put the ones we’re holding down so they can go.