Kaos shakes his head. “No, Little Flame. We’re protective of you, that’s all.”
“We’d do anything to keep you safe,” Dante agrees.
“But we also know when you’re needed, and in this case, you are,” Reed says.
“We have something for you before you go,” Kaos mentions, lips tipping up on the corners. He reaches behind his back for something, and I stare at him, confused. “We had it remade for you.”
The glint of a blade catches the light as he pulls a dagger from the holster on his hip and hands it to me. I carefully inspect the silver blade, inlaid with intricate designs, and in the center, running up the length of the blade are pieces of shadestone embedded in the metal. I don’t know why but tears spring to my eyes at the beauty of it.
“Are these—”
“Pieces of your shadestone? Yes,” Vin says, and I look over to him. “Unfortunately, we couldn’t make that blade whole again, but we wanted to remind you that some beauty can come from loss. Yes, that shadestone pierced my heart, but it was your blade first. Reginald never should’ve been able to wield it. The Goddess wanted you to have it for a reason, so we fixed it and made it better. The crafter even warded it against any ill intent and attuned it to your energy. It’s all yours, Luna.”
“It’s beautiful,” I whisper, admiring the handiwork in the blade. “Thank you.” I slide it into my thigh holster, moving my other blade to my boot, and pull everyone in for a hug one by one.
“Now you’re ready to kick some serious ass,” Dante says with a wink, making us all laugh as we head out to regroup with the others.
He’s right. I am.
Portals are so strange. I’m not sure I will ever get over the feeling. It’s like riding one too many rollercoasters in a row, combined with having your body mesh out and then phase back in while traveling through time and space.
Yeah, it’s not exactly fun. Interesting, but not fun. Maybe I’ll get used to it one of these days, but I doubt it.
With Adam’s advice, Niall, Malachi, and Elian in tow, the portal Matilda casts lands us about fifty feet away from a small, brick building. Niall gives us a head nod to let us know his cloaking spell is working. It’s colder tonight than I expected, but with my adrenaline pumping, I’m practically impervious to the cold.
The moon is high in the sky, not quite full, but almost there which means it’s easier to see. But it also means the enemy can see us easier as well.
I pull my shadows to me and wrap them around us, giving us a cloak, then I return my attention to the building. From what I can see there’s a door on the left end, guarded by a beefy dude carrying a magical gun, and another on the right side. They’re decked out to the nines in tactical gear, and I roll my eyes at the sight.
Elite?I ask, projecting the thought to Elian. He nods.
Using my intuition, I try to get a read on the two guys, andmurderer of innocentsis the first thought that pops into my brain. So, they have blood on their hands, innocent blood at that.
I’d rather not kill anyone and draw unwanted attention to what we’re doing if I don’t have to. But I also know it’s a possibility, and I’m guessing all the guards here are probably guilty of unspeakable crimes.
The back door is bolted shut. We’re not getting in that way,Elian projects to me and motions for me to follow him. Niall and Malachi stay close, but none of us speak for fear of being overheard. Weavers also have a great sense of hearing, although my Circle’s and mine are probably far superior now.
As quietly as possible we make our way through the trees to the front, careful to avoid twigs or anything else that would give us away, and find three more Elite guards carrying the same weapon as the two around back. They take turns walking the perimeter at different intervals. Suns blaze, that has to be a boring job. Sucks being a lackey. Though I don’t feel sorry for them. Not really.
Reaching out with my intuition I find these three are even more guilty than the other two. The need for vengeance begins to rise in my chest, and I don’t know if I can ignore their crimes. I am the Goddess’ bringer of justice after all.
We’re not here for that,I remind myself.We’re here for Ash and for information on the whereabouts of the other innocents. These assholes will get what’s coming to them, but not today.
I can warp their fears and make them see a threat that’s not there, so they’ll leave the door unattended,Elian says, watching the guards closely.
Do it. I don’t think we’re getting past them any other way,I respond.
Niall gives us a look, and I tap my head then point to Elian. Niall nods.
Elian puts a finger to his forehead and closes his eyes, tapping in on his fear power. I watch the guards for any signs. At first, nothing happens, but then one of them starts to look over their shoulder more often and one of the other’s steps start to falter. Suddenly, the three of them stop, looking at each other in confusion.
Elian pushes a little more power into them until they unshoulder their guns. One of them whistles three times and then they silently stalk off in the direction of the woods, looking for threats that aren’t there.
Thankfully, they walk in the opposite direction of us. When they hit the tree line and disappear Elian’s eyes pop open. “Come on, this is our chance.”
We cross the distance to the front door, and I use my shadows to give us extra cover in case there is anyone in the trees watching. I expect to pass through a ward or two, so I’m surprised when I don’t feel anything. Malachi pushes the door open and then we breach the inside. I’m also expecting more guards, but so far, I’m not seeing any. Yet. I know they’re here, but the question is, where.