Page 72 of Called By Fate

“What will work then?” Kaos asks. I can tell by the look on his face he’s running through all the scenarios in his head.

“You’re not going to like my answer,” Adam replies, rubbing his chin in thought.

“Spit it out,” Elian snaps. Ah, there’s that famous temper.

“Patience, young Padawan,” Hemsworth quips. Elian almost smiles.Almost.

“Have Matilda portal Sadie, Niall, and Malachi to the outskirts of the building. Then they go in to get her. Malachi can disable any electronics such as cameras or any other security measures. Niall can mask their presence long enough to get Ashley and hopefully find out where the others Bedi mentioned are being kept.”

“Meanwhile, we create a diversion elsewhere that grabs their attention. Matilda will stay hidden and as soon as the protections are down and they have Ashley can portal everyone out,” Nick finishes for him.

“You’re right, we don’t like it,” Vinson growls, eyes flashing gold. His wolf is peeking through the surface. I can feel his inner turmoil radiating through the bond.

“We’re not risking our mate,” Reed agrees, and I glance at him, feeling the vehemence against this plan the same way as Vinson’s. Kaos, Dante, and Elian are on the same page as Reed and Vin if the scowls on their faces are any indication.

“If you want the girl back, what other choice do we have?” Niall asks gently but firmly. “We can’t send in the cavalry without drawing too much attention. I know how my fathers’ heads work. Malachi can disable their system, and Sadie is fucking powerful in her own right.”

“Plus, I need to be the one to rescue Ash. I feel it in my bones.” I look at my mates. “I love you guys, but we have to get her back, and then figure out where the others are that they’re going to kill. Lives are at stake here.” I send them lots of comfort and reassurance, but I’m still met with unease.

“I’ll go in with them,” Elian announces after a pause. “I’ll protect our mate.”

I shoot him a grateful look.

“Even with you there, I still don’t like it,” Kaos says. “We all should be there, we are stronger together, as a Circle.” Reed, Dante, and Vin murmur their agreement.

“I don’t either, but what choice do we have?” I sigh. “Niall is right. We don’t need to draw attention to ourselves. What if they kill the others before we can find them? I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to Ash while our friendship is in shambles, and I never got a chance to talk to her. There’s been enough death in this community, don’t you think? It’s up to us to stop it.”

“You are wise beyond your years, girl,” Matilda says, watching me with fondness before turning to my mates. “Let her do this. You know she’s more than capable.”

Reed’s jaw clenches and unclenches. He knows this is our best shot, but he doesn’t want to admit it. “Watch over her for me, Tildy. You know how much she means to me.”

Matilda nods. “Now, who is going to create the diversion?”

“I think we can help with that,” Alpha Darren says, gesturing toward him and Carter.

A shifter clears their throat, their eyes shifting from Vin first to Alpha Darren. “You’re the Alpha, though, sir. Should you really be the one to lead this?”

I pause, thinking about Alpha Darren’s sweet mate, and I’m inclined to agree. “He’s right, are you really the best choice?” I ask.

“It’s my pack and my people. I’m not going to sit idle when I could do something. Besides, Carter and I are the only ones other than Vin who are battle ready. And he needs to be here in case something happens to you. You’re more important, Shadowbringer.”

As much as it makes my gut churn and as much as I hate to admit it, he’s right about being the only one’s battle ready. Do I really let them take on that responsibility, though?

I know it’s not easy,Reed starts,but you have to let them, Sadie. It’s a good plan. Sometimes being a ruler means making hard decisions.

They’re already continuing the conversation, unaware of the emotional turmoil currently raging inside me. “We’ll shift and lead them on a chase through the forest. There are plenty of places to hide until we can be portaled out.”

One of the Light Weavers nods. “We can assist, and I think I can shield us too.”

“We need to make sure everyone else is ready in case something happens, and this goes sideways,” Adam says.

Vin nods. “We’ll gather everyone and have the masses ready, just in case.”

My spine tingles with awareness and a sense of urgency settles in my bones. “If this is what we’re going to do, we need to get started soon. I just got one hell of a feeling that we need to act now.”

Kaos clears his throat. “Everyone go, get ready. We need to have a talk with our mate really quick.” The others, including Hemsworth, disperse, and then it’s the six of us alone in the room.

“Am I in trouble?” I ask sheepishly.