She draws in another wet breath. I’m sobbing freely now as I watch the life leak out of her, knowing there’s not a damn thing I can do. “Every person he kills, every life he takes, makes him grow stronger. He’s going to kill them all, Sadie.” I’m not sure who exactly she means, but I don’t interrupt. Her voice is barely a whisper now, her strength failing her. She must mean the Night Weavers and shifters they employ, if I had to guess. “Including Ashley.”
All the wind is knocked out of my lungs with that statement and panic starts scratching up my throat. My shadows burst to life, flaring around me. They’re as tumultuous as my emotions.
Bedi grips my hand harder with what might be the last of her strength. “It’s up to you now to stop them. Find the source of their power and take it from them.” Her elbows give out and she flops to the floor. Luckily, Kaos cradles her head, so she doesn’t smack it against the wood.
“Okay, Bedi. I will,” I choke out through my tears, even though I’m not clear on what she means exactly. “Thank you for finding that out for me,” I whisper brokenly, needing to say something, anything, as I watch the vibrance fade out of her.
She’s normally so radiant, but her skin is turning white with all the blood leaving her body. There aren’t any second chances here. I’m going to lose someone else. My chest tightens and my magic rears up inside me.
“You have to stop him before it’s too late. You have to finish this. I know you can—” She gasps and then her mouth stops moving. Her body goes limp, and I don’t have to check her pulse to know she’s gone. Her bubbling presence that normally lights up a whole room is gone.Gone, gone, gone.
Your fault,a dark voice in my mind whispers.
I lay down beside her and sob, letting out all my feelings as I break down. My shadows create a bubble around me, soothing me softly. Tears, so many tears. So much heartache. So much pain. I’m tired of it. How far will this go?
How many others will those pricks take from me if I don’t stop them?
They took yetanotherperson I care about from me. The faces of all the shifters, Night and Light weavers I have met since joining this community drift through my thoughts. The pack meets with the children running around, laughing, carefree, seeing them all mingle, get to know one another, help each other. This is what the world needs to look like. This is what every one's life should be like. Instead of fear, death, and tyranny under power hungry assholes.
Well, no fucking more.
I rise from the floor, where I realize all my mates are too, sitting around me in a show of solidarity. Close enough to be there, if I need them, but far enough away to let me grieve because they know I need to. My shadows accepted them into my bubble easily, caressing each of them.
As I look at each of my mates, I can feel them sending me support through our Circle bond. I feel all the hope from Reed, for something better. The resilience from Vinson, always unwilling to give up despite the odds. Strength from Dante, my funny mate who has overcome so much. Courage from Kaos who is willing to leap into every battle for those he cares for. And love. So much fucking love coming from Elian, my surly, grumpy mate that it almost knocks me over. I dry the tears and snot running down my face with a tissue Vin hands me.
“We have to end this before more lives are lost.” They nod, somber. “But first, let’s give Bedi and those Night Weavers a proper burial. Then we’re going to rescue Ashley.”
“After that?” Elian asks.
“We’re going after those motherfuckers and we’re going to end them.”
The Weavers believe that the dead should be returned to the earth, given over to it so their bodies can bring new life before joining the Night Goddess in her realm. I think that idea is fitting.
Matilda came and collected Bedi’s body for us shortly after she passed and took her somewhere to prepare her for the ceremony that will take place under the moon, which is where we are now. The stars are out in full force in the meadow tonight, the bright moon illuminating the path to the altar where Bedi and the other Night Weavers are waiting to descend to their final rest.
It’s beautiful, but I’m having a hard time focusing on it. All I see is her face when I close my eyes. Then it morphs into Vin’s face, and Skylar’s face, and everyone else I’ve lost or failed.
My feet are moving on autopilot.
I’m numb.
Actually, I’m angry, pissed as hell about losing someone else but I’m trying not to let that emotion show because tonight is about honoring the dead. Tomorrow though… Well, let’s just say hell hath no fury like a pissed off Triad.
Vinson places his hand on my back to help guide me through the crowd and I appreciate the gesture because it reminds me, he’s here and I’m not alone. Yes, there is a crowd tonight. All the Night Weavers, Light Weavers, and shifters are gathered in support. Two of our own are dead and so is the last seer.
My heart is heavy with grief, but I still try to give a small smile to the people staring at us with admiration. They know something big is coming. I can tell by the slight tang of anticipation in the air as I pass by face after face.
My attention returns to the altar where Bedi and the two Night Weavers are wrapped in simple cloth. It’s all I can focus on as we get closer. Their faces are uncovered, and they look so peaceful. If I didn’t know any better, I wouldn’t even know they were dead. But I do know better.
Elian is leading our small group and he comes to a stop at the front of the crowd where six chairs have been placed for us to sit in. I stare at them for a moment before shaking my head. “I’d prefer to stand like everyone else,” I say quietly.
Kaos and Reed nod, immediately clearing the chairs, dispersing them to some of the women around us instead. It warms my heart to see them so caring, but it still doesn’t ease the ache of the loss.
Viola, Kaos’ mom, offered to lead the ceremony tonight. As per Weaver customs, the dead need to be honored and sent off. I’m glad she offered because I wouldn’t have the slightest clue on where to begin. She looks regal in a long, black dress, similar to my own, as she ascends the steps to a podium someone set up beforehand. Everyone quiets and waits for her to speak.
She looks at me and gives me a sad smile before starting. “Merry meet, everyone. Thank you for showing your support to our Shadowbringer and her Circle by being here for our seer, Bedi. And in the honor of the two Night Weavers we lost.”