She continues by thanking the Goddess for bringing us life. I tune it out, all of it. I should probably be listening, but all I can think about is Bedi’s last words. She believed in me, but do I believe in myself?
I still don’t have all the answers, but I guess life isn’t always wrapped up in a nice little bow and handed to us on a silver platter. I should know that better than anyone with the cards fate has dealt me. We don’t always get to know everything or have things wrapped up nicely because the world doesn’t really work like that.
Tomorrow we’re going to mete out the justice this world deserves.
But for now, I look at my mates. With each of them dressed in black, they’re stunning to look at. I find Kaos watching me, sensing my inner turmoil. He’s always attuned to me. My gaze moves down the line. They’re all looking at me instead of paying attention to the ceremony. Elian wraps his inked fingers around mine and Kaos does the same from my other side. Then Reed takes Kaos’ hand, Dante takes Reed’s, Vinson takes Dante’s, and it connects us as a Circle. They push all their love and their light into me until I don’t feel so deep in my despair.
I’m not alone.
I have them to lean on.
Now I just have to protect them.
“Sadie,” Viola calls, and I realize everyone is staring at me. “Would you like to say a few words?”
I nod and start walking toward the podium with Hemsworth at my side.You can do this, Weaver,he projects to me.
I take a deep breath and think about what I want to say then decide it’s better to let it flow from my heart. I give a nod to the Light Weaver amplifying my voice to let him know I’m ready to begin.
Recalling how Viola greeted everyone, I start with that. “Merry meet, everyone and thank you for coming tonight. Most of you likely know by now that the last seer, Bedisa, was killed by the Elders’ forces tonight. As were the two Night Weavers who were completely innocent, and in the wrong place at the wrong time.” I blow out a breath and try to keep my tears at bay.
Hemsworth nudges my leg.You’re doing great,he projects.
“Did you know that Bedisa means fate?” I ask, and most of them shake their heads. “I didn’t either until recently, but I believe it was fate that brought Bedi into my life. Just like fate brought me to my mates and all of you. I also believe it was fate leading me to this exact moment, even as shitty as some of it has been. Bedi watched over me, protected me… and I failed her,” I admit, and my voice wavers. I clear my throat. “But no more. No more saying goodbyes like this.” My voice is stronger now than I expected it would be. “No more. Because tomorrow, we will start our plan to take down the Elders once and for all.”
The night is quiet, only a faint breeze rustling through the trees, as if even the birds and animals of the night decided to pay homage to our fallen. Until all at once, every shifter, Night Weaver, and Light Weaver, place their fists over their hearts and drop to their knees as one, silently showing their support. My heart skips a beat, and I swallow thickly, the sight leaving me in awe. All these people, united against a common enemy.
One Weaver even starts drumming his fist over his heart. Others slowly begin to join in until all around us there is an echo of thumping, fists against chests. I can feel it reverberating through my body, fortifying my need for vengeance for these people. For Bedi. For my parents and Skylar. For Dante’s family. For Elian’s mother and sister. For Reed’s faction. For everyone who has ever lost someone because of the Elders’ need for power.
At some point, they rise from their knees but continue to drum across their chests. Some of the shifter’s merge into their wolves and start howling alongside them. Light Weavers send up twinkling orbs of their magic, giving the meadow a majestic feel.
With one last glance at Bedi, I step down from the podium and allow the Elemental Weavers to do their job. They maneuver their hands, working their magic to open three plots of dirt for them to be buried in. A Telekinetic Weaver lifts their bodies off the altar and gently deposits them into the earth.
Another part of the ceremony is to send them off with flowers, so every Weaver and shifter alike walk by the three graves and deposit a few petals. When the last person is finished, I realize we’re the only ones left besides the Elemental Weavers. Much like human funerals, the shifters believe a meal is in order afterward, so they all likely went to the mess hall.
“Are you okay, Angel?” Dante asks quietly when I don’t walk over to deposit flowers.
“No,” I respond. “But I will be, eventually.”
He squeezes my hand and gives me a peck on the cheek. “I love you,” he says.
“I love you too, Dante. I love all of you.”
I’m still not ready to say goodbye, but I don’t think anyone ever is when death takes someone from your life too soon. Walking over to the altar, I take a handful of petals from the basket and head to the open earth. I loosen my grip on the petals and watch them float down, down until they lay peacefully atop Bedi’s body.
“Goodbye, Bedi. Thank you for everything.” Somehow, those words don’t feel like enough, but words are all that are left when one is dead, and the other isn’t. A stray tear falls from my eye and lands with all the petals.
I repeat the process for the two Weavers, because even though they have no family here that we could find, they deserve the same respect. Technically, they probably diedbecauseof us. That sends a fresh wave of anger through my already tight chest.
Once my mates finish, I let them lead me away from where the Elemental Weavers are working to cover their bodies. “Come on, Little Flame. Let’s get some food in you and then we can start going over the game plan.”
My stomach rumbles in response. “Food would be nice.”
“Agreed,” Hemsworth says, licking his chops. It makes me chuckle slightly. Hemsworth is the only one I know besides my mates that is hungry more than I am.
“The shifters cooked a feast for everyone,” Vin says, leading us over to the mess hall. He opens the door for me, and I step inside, my gaze immediately snapping to the delicious looking meal spanning the entire length of a long table.
Vin’s shoulders shake with barely contained laughter. “I think they wanted to impress you.”