* * *
Sittingacross from Reed with my eyes closed, I peek one open to find him deep in concentration. I close it again and take a deep breath, letting myself get lost in the soft rock music playing. It always helps me concentrate and he doesn’t make me turn it off like Elian does.
"Whenever you're ready, I want you to pull your shadows to you in one hand and in the other, call the light," he says.
My shadows come to my call instantly, which makes me giddy. The training with Elian on the side has really paid off. Especially now that my shadows come to me easier, and I don’t have to solely rely on my heightened emotions. I'm also proficient at healing and using Dante's fire, but they aren't my powers, so I don't think I'll ever be as good as who they belong to.
Now if I can just master the fucking light. You wouldn't think something that is all around us would be so hard to control. Then again, my shadows used to be the same way. I need practice, which is why I've been training with Reed almost every freaking day. Gods, the patience of this man.
Focusing on that bright ball of energy in my center, I call it to me slowly. I decide to try something different and instead of pulling it to me like I do my shadows, I hold my hand out and ask for it to come to me. Ever so slowly the air starts to shift. The hair on my arms lifts as the light comes to me. It feels like I'm holding electricity in my hand, which is completely different from the almost sentient shadows.
A breeze enters the room and lifts my hair from my shoulders. Reed gasps and it makes my eyes pop open. From the mirror across the room, I see myself with my hair splayed every which way holding a swirling ball of shadows in one hand and white energy in the other. Maybe my frustration plays a part in it finally working or maybe it’s my determined grit. Either way, I look powerful, and it makes me feel like I actually have a chance at coming out on top in the end.
But my concentration slips, and the light leaves me once more. "Dammit," I curse and rise to my feet. "I had it! I totally had it."
Reed tugs on my arm and spins me into him, capturing my lips in a daring kiss. When we're both breathless he pulls back and says, "You did. I'm so proud of you, Love."
Staring into his blue eyes, I find butterflies filling my stomach and giddiness flowing through me. I cup his cheek in my hand, bringing his gaze to mine. "I love you, Reed Soleil. My glorious Light Weaver. Thank you for everything."
The smile that overtakes his face could rival the sun. "I love you too, Sadie Sinclair. I would do anything for you, give you anything, including the sun if I could. I'm so glad the Goddess paired me with you."
I shoot him a cheeky grin and beckon him to follow. “Now, let's work on your fighting form for a while,” I say, flipping the script on him.
He groans but follows me anyway. "Do we have to?"
Payback is a bitch,I project, and he rolls his eyes with a smile on his face.
"Yep. So get your cute ass over here. I think you’re going to like this fight training,” I say, pulling my tank top off. “Good thing we’re the only ones in here right now, huh?”
His eyes widen and darken with lust. “As you wish, my Love.”
The days are passing quickly, far too quickly to be honest. I know it's only bringing me closer to my inevitable showdown with the Elders and my uncle. They've been quiet lately too, which makes me nervous. What are they plotting?
Surely, they have to be pissed that we're taking their precious shifters and Night Weavers.
Silence in some situations is good, no news is good news as they say, but I fear in this case, no news is bad news. They're not the type to go silently into the night.
Good thing neither am I.
Don't think about that now, Sadie. Focus on what you can control.
Now that we’re amassing some numbers at the safe haven, I figured it was time to go around and meet everyone, give them a feel for who I am and what I can do. I’m nervous about what they will think but I also know it needs to be done. As much as I'd like to stay cooped up in our cabin, these people view me as their savior, and I need to meet with them.
Hemsworth nudges my leg. “What’s up with you? You look like you’re strung tighter than a guitar string.”
“You know me, worrying over things that haven’t even happened yet. What if they don’t like me? Or try to shun me because I’m a Triad?”
His brown eyes soften, and I bend down so I’m closer to eye level with him. “Then it’ll be their fucking loss. Change is brewing and they can either get with the program or get left behind.” He lets me stew for a moment before continuing. “Not that I think that will happen. You have a way with people, Weaver. Even if you don’t see it yourself. Stop fretting over things you can't control.”
“Thanks, Hems,” I say with a sigh. “I needed a good dose of your wisdom today.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” he responds and lays down so I can give him belly scratches. See? Sucker for tummy rubs. When he’s had his fill, he gets to his feet. “Let’s go knock these new Weavers dead.” He winces. “Not literally though. Try not to kill anyone, yeah?”
I chuckle and finish lacing my combat boots then head toward the living room, smoothing my hands down my ripped jeans. Yep, I've graduated from Converse to combat boots. I call them my shit-kickers. Never know when you might need a bit of ankle support these days.
Almost all the shifters Vin managed to get the portal-invitations to have joined us. We’ve started working with Matilda and the new shifters to get more out to the harder-to-reach shifters. Though no one has been able to get to the ones who work directly with the Elders.