Page 52 of Called By Fate

I get to meet with the new shifters at our weekly meetings, which is nice. Except for when they bow to me and call me Shadowbringer. Still getting used to that. Better than Malachi and hisShadow Girlgreeting though.

The guys are waiting for me in the living room and all heads turn to find me when I walk in. Dante is in the middle of an arm-wrestling match with Vin, which he’s losing. Kaos and Reed have what looks to be a fairy porn book between them that they’re discussing, and Elian has a smirk on his face despite himself. All of that is forgotten when they look at me. Each of their stares are steamy, and I want nothing more than to devour each of them, but alas, we have an obligation to uphold.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"You look amazing, Little Flame," Kaos says and kisses me on the cheek.

"Uh, thanks?" I look down at the random blouse, jeans, and boots I pulled from the closet. "But I'm just wearing normal clothes? I figured I'd look less intimidating this way. Plus, I'm not really a formal person anyway—" I ramble and Elian cuts me off with a kiss that has my toes curling, all tongue and possessiveness. When he pulls back, I catch a few of the others adjusting themselves.

"You're hot, Pet. Take the damn compliment."

"Yes, sir," I respond and his eyes darken with lust.

Reed steps in between us before we can attack each other and rip our clothes off. "We need to get going. Everyone should already be in the mess hall for lunch. We don’t want to be late." He directs that last bit at Elian with a pointed look.

Holy hell, assertive Reed makes my core clench. A daring daydream of him bossing Elian around in the bedroom and looming over him pops into my mind, but alas, it would never happen.

And damn, I hate it when he has a point. He reads that entire thought process, though, and his lips twitch, shooting me those dimples and shaking his head.

Definitely not happening, Love. I’d love to boss you around a little though,Reed projects.Let’s get going before I say to hell with it.

"Fiiine," I huff and waltz out the door with an extra sway in my hips that none of them miss, judging by the growls and groans behind me.

Responsibilities suck, huh?I project down the bond.

Hemsworth is right on my heels, giving me one of his doggy chuckles. "I love how you tease them."

Alpha Darren and Matilda are waiting outside for us when we approach the mess hall. It’s probably the largest building here, minus the gym, and also recently renovated.

"How are the shifts working out with the mess hall?" Reed inquires in lieu of pleasantries. None of us are the type to beat around the bush anyway.

Matilda smiles, which I’m taking as a good sign. “Everyone has been pitching in, shifters and Weavers alike,” she says proudly. “It's gone well so far.”

Reed, Matilda, Alpha Darren, and Viola made up a schedule and whoever lives in the chosen cabin are the ones who make the food for everyone that day. I’m glad to hear their system seems to be working nicely. In addition to the nonperishable foods that were already stockpiled here, the guys grab fresh food and supplies while they’re out doing their recruitments. We’ll be set up for a while.

Alpha Darren nods his agreement to what Matilda said. "Thankfully, there has only been a bit of bickering here and there, but nothing I couldn’t break up or handle. Other than that, everyone seems to be playing along rather nicely." He seems kind of surprised at the notion and to be honest, I am too.

“That’s wonderful,” I respond as they usher us inside.

The smell that hits me reminds me of a typical cafeteria, though less hospital-y and more school cafeteria, which I don’t mind. The long, communal tables are crammed full of supernaturals, most of them mingling between kinds.

The Weavers sitting at the table closest to the door notice me walk in, whispering quickly to their friends and it seems to have a ripple effect, leaving silence in its wake. Everyone stops eating and the silence is slightly awkward. Forks are paused halfway to their mouths, other’s jaws are dropped open in surprise. They’re acting like I’m on some sort of pedestal, and I don’t like it. I’m one of them.

I catch sight of a familiar head of red hair when a Night Weaver stands. Oliver, the guy I saved during the training exercise at the compound, drops to a knee, placing his hand over his heart in a show of respect. The other member of his Circle does the same, echoing his motions. “Shadowbringer, we have all heard of you and what you’re doing for this community,” he squeaks out, looking nervous as all get out. He clears his throat. “I would like to offer you my Circle's allegiance should you ever need us.”

Ah, hell. I don’t like this. I don’t want anyone indebted to me. What if I let them down?

What if they die because of me?

I’m not like the Elders and I refuse to make these people follow me like that. I open my mouth to say as much when Elian puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes, telling me with that simple touch to stay quiet.

For some reason, I do as he says.

As one, every Night Weaver in the mess hall stands and drops to a knee, offering me the same oath. Fucking hell, this is intimidating. My skin starts to feel itchy, and it takes everything in me not to twitch or finger my necklace for strength. Somehow, I manage to keep it together enough to place a hand over my heart and slightly bow my head, returning the gesture with my thanks.

One of my mates, Kaos if I had to guess, ushers me toward the kitchen, behind closed doors. "Fucking hell, do you know how important that was?" he asks, rubbing his hands up and down my shoulders.

"No?" I respond, and it comes out as more of a question because I’m still slightly shell-shocked.