We weren’t a couple.

Right now, we weren’t…anything.

And that was my own damn fault.

“I’m sorry,” I said remorsefully as I flipped the steaks. “Sometimes it’s hard to break old habits.”

“Habits like bossing me around?” she said with an amused laugh.

I relaxed a little.

I’d promised that I’d do whatever it took to gain Hannah’s trust, and I’d meant it.

“As I recall,” I said drily. “You were never very good at taking orders.”

“I only did it when I wanted to or if those orders made sense to me,” she said lightly. “And I was a lot more compliant years ago than I am now. I’m used to being solo and making my own decisions.”

Okay, so maybe I was a little overprotective and overbearing about her safety when we’d lived in New York.

“Was I really that bossy?” I asked.

“Absolutely,” she told me. “But it was part of your charm. I knew you did it out of concern for me, so it never really bothered me. I just like to give you a hard time about it.”

“I’m used to bossing people around. It’s my job,” I informed her.

“I’m not your employee,” she retorted.

No she wasn’t, and she was even sassier than she’d been years ago.

My lips twitched as I wrapped the steaks to take them into the house.

Hannah had changed some, but I actually liked her new attitude.

The sweetness that was inherently Hannah was still there, but I sensed thatthisHannah would have zero issues with telling me to go screw myself if I really pissed her off.

“I’m assuming you still like medium rare,” I said as I opened the slider.

“Yes,” she confirmed as she got up and followed me into the house. “I’ll heat up the beans. The steak smells amazing.”

She opened the refrigerator and pulled out the beans and potato salad.

“How did you know that I got beans?”

She shot me a knowing look, but didn’t comment.

Hell, I guess I was still pretty predictable.

I watched her as she warmed up the beans and pulled the potato salad out of the fridge.

Hannah was an amazing cook, so she looked at home in my kitchen.

She probably should since she’d planned out every square foot of it herself.

I tried hard not to notice how beautiful she looked today. Every time she reached for something, the material of that fitted top strained against her perfectly formed breasts and exposed just a strip of her soft skin at her abdomen.

Her hair was in a ponytail because she’d been biking on the trails, but whisps of hair had escaped from that confinement and were now curving around her beautiful face.

I highly doubted that Hannah knew what she was wearing was provocative to me. It was appropriate for our bike ride, and truthfully, anything she wore made my cock hard.