It’s probably hard because I know exactly what’s beneath that clothing.
Hannah and I had always had the most explosive sexual chemistry I’d ever experienced, and it was natural to think about that once in a while, right?
Pissed at myself, I tore my eyes away from her and put the steaks on plates.
Hannah added the potato salad and beans.
By the time we sat down to eat, I’d pulled my shit together.
A little.
I was going tohaveto separate the relationship I’d had with Hannah before and focus on who she was now.
She wasn’t mine.
I’d treated her badly when shewasmine.
And my mission was to be her friend and try to show her that I wasn’t the same asshole who had treated her like shit before she’d left.
The truth was, Hannahhadbeen my best friend.
My biggest supporter.
She had bent over backwards to help me reach my goals, and she’d encouraged me when I had doubts.
I’d probably never given her as much of myself as she’d given me. Now that I knew that she’d actually left me because of my behavior and not some other guy, I wanted everyone to know that the breakup had never been Hannah’s fault.
It had nearly killed me when she’d told me that I’d hurt her. Her sobs of pain had wrecked me, and at that moment, I would have done anything to be able to go back in time and fix it.
I needed to keep my dick in check, and my carnal instincts to myself.
This was about Hannah now, and whatsheneeded.
“Your grilling skills are outstanding,” she said as she started to eat.
I picked up my utensils as I realized I hadn’t even started to eat.
“Thanks,” I said as I started to consume my steak.
One thing I realized was that I couldn’t be someone I wasn’t to gain Hannah’s trust. I was going to have to be the man I was now, and hope that she could trust me.
I probably still got distracted with work occasionally.
I was probably still bossy sometimes.
But one thing I’d always do was listen to her.
“So tell me about what you want to do for a career now that you’re not in your partnership in Seattle anymore,” I asked, genuinely interested in her plans.
She smiled. “Do you really want to hear all of that? I have a pretty ambitious dream that might never be attainable for me, so it’s probably not worth talking about.”
I actually wanted to know everything about her life, especially her dreams.
“I’d like to hear about all of it, but you can start wherever you want.”
Ieyed Tanner for a moment, trying to figure out if he really wanted to hear about my career, or if he was just being polite.