A short while later, we arrive in front of the Emergency Room drop off. Aidan parks in front of the double doors, and Phoenix and I carefully lift Meadow out of the car and carry her into the lobby.
“Please, someone help me! My girlfriend needs help,” I yell out.
A nurse comes rushing over. She takes one look at Meadow and quickly takes control of the situation. She’s yelling medical terms I don’t understand, and another nurse comes rushing in with a bed. The nurse tells us to lay her down, and they will do everything they can. I listen but keep my hand in hers, not wanting to let go. This can’t be the last time I see her. I kiss her forehead and watch as she’s wheeled behind a set of doors that only allow medical personnel; we aren’t allowed to enter. Normally, I would fight and scream until someone let me back there, but I know Meadow needs me out here. If she has any chance of survival, the doctors need to be able to focus on her without me causing a scene.
Aidan leads me to a private family room and kicks out the family waiting there. They don’t need this room as much as we do right now. The minute my ass hits the stiff chair, the tears fall down my face in a steady stream. I couldn’t stop them if I tried.When I close my eyes, all I can see is Meadow lying in a pool of crimson. She must have cut herself only a few minutes after Aidan left her room since he rushed in to my office as soon as he left hers. She couldn’t have been in the tub long because even though she lost a lot of blood, she still had a pulse.
She’s going to be alright. We made it in time. I didn’t fail her; I didn’t fail her. I keep repeating these things in my head. Meadow has to be fine, we are supposed to get married and have a ton of babies. We’re supposed to grow old and fight with each other daily. This is not how our story ends. I refuse to let it be. I will pray to heaven and hell if I have to. They can take me instead, if that is what’s needed. A life for a life, and I’m willing to sacrifice mine to save hers.
Breaking down in the family room helps calm me down a little. Once I manage to stop crying and get my shit together, the guys and I talk about next steps.
“What the fuck are we going to do if she makes it through this?” Aidan asks.
“I don’t know. Sending her somewhere for help may be best. She doesn’t want to be around us, and she refuses to even acknowledge our existence unless it’s to throw insults at us,” Phoenix replies flatly.
“We aren’t sending her anywhere. If she survives this, which she will because our girl is a fighter, then we’ll be on watch twenty-four seven. I don’t care if she yells or fights us, someone will be by her side at all times so this shit doesn’t happen again,” I say, clenching my fists.
How dare she put us through this? I understand she’s hurting but walking in and finding her that way just about killed me. And if she doesn’t survive the night, the whole world will burn.
“We can’t watch her at all times, Knox. We have lives and commitments that require our presence, plus, after this, shemay hate us even more than she already does, which won’t help matters,” Aidan responds.
He’s right, but what else can we do? She can’t be trusted alone right now, and I can’t think of another option. Fuck! Why can’t something go right for once in my fucking life? I rub my hand over my tired face as I think of options. Meadow isn’t going into a fucking psych ward; I refuse to allow that.
As I sit and debate options, a doctor comes in asking if we are Meadow’s family. All three of us stand and nod before making our way to the doctor. My knees feel like they’re going to give out at any moment as we wait for him to give us the news.
“Meadow is in critical condition. She lost a lot of blood, and we had to resuscitate her twice, but she is alive. The next twenty-four hours are crucial. We sedated her, so her body has a chance to heal. She’s got a long road ahead of her if she survives the night. We are currently outside visiting hours until the morning, so go home, shower, and get some rest. You three look like you need it. I will call you if anything changes; make sure your number is on file,” the doc says.
I drop to my knees in relief. Meadow is alive; she survived. I don’t care what we have to do to help her through this, so long as she is still on this fucking earth. I nod my thanks and shake his hand. I never even got his name, but I’m sure as fuck glad he was here tonight. He saved my girl.
A thought pops into my head as I consider ways to help Meadow. “I think we need to call Ethan. Meadow will trust him. She knows him and knows he won’t hurt her,” I say to the guys. The looks on their faces are a mixture of confusion, then everything clicks. Ethan grew up in the same neighborhood as us. We were best friends until he moved away at fifteen. His family moved to England because his father got a job offer he couldn’t refuse. I kept in touch with him, and we talked on the phone once a month, well, up until Meadow was taken. Icouldn’t bear to tell him about that. I didn’t want Ethan to worry. He loves Meadow just as much as the three of us, but he never had the chance to be with her. Things with Meadow didn’t turn romantic until after he left, and I never wanted to bring it up to her.
“Fuck. I never thought about Ethan coming to help. Yeah, I think that’ll work. We trust him, and I know he won’t do anything to hurt her. He’ll protect that woman with his life.” Aidan nods his head.
Since we can’t see Meadow until morning, we head home to shower. Once we get there, I have a call to make, along with arrangements to make for somewhere Ethan can live close by. I know he’ll hop the next flight, but I want to make sure everything is prepared for his stay by the time he lands. So much to do, so little time.
Chapter 14
None of us were happy to leave Meadow, but we know it’s for the best and that she is in good hands. When we get home our mood is somber. I wish I didn't have to be in the house right now, and I bet the guys wish the same. Not with the memory of Meadow bleeding out lingering in the air. Forcing myself to move, I head upstairs to shower off her blood. It’s harder than I thought it would be to see her blood on my skin, but once I turn the shower on and let the steam billow in the air, some of the tension in my body releases.
Taking off my blood-soaked clothes, I toss them in the corner and step under the hot stream of water. The temperature is almost too hot, but I need it to stay grounded. I let the water run over my muscles as I rest my forehead against the cool shower tiles. I watch the water as it swirls down the drain, the color a light pink that reminds me of today’s events. As the water works my muscles, I hear the bathroom door open. Without looking over my shoulder, I assume Aidan is going to join me. When he steps foot in the shower, though, I look down and realize it’s not Aidan; it’s Phoenix.
Turning around, I see Phoenix staring at me, his expression showing a variety of emotions. I grab his wrist and yank him toward me, enveloping him in a hug. I know it must have taken a lot of courage for him to come in here, and I won’t take that lightly. I know this part of our relationship is new, but I never want to turn him down when he needs affection. Hell, I didn’t know I even needed to hold him until now. I release him only to grab his face and plant my lips on his. Phoenix has soft, pillowy lips that I could devour for the rest of my life and never get bored.
Something about Phoenix’s innocence turns me on. He moans, but my mouth captures the sound, and my cock hardens against his stomach. I know we shouldn’t be using intimacy as an escape, but I can’t think of a better way to release everything I’ve bottled up than being with Phoenix at this moment. Meadow may not be here, but I gained another person to love through this nightmare, and I will forever be grateful for that. I release his lips and catch my breath.
Phoenix explores my body with his hands, and everywhere he touches elicits a new response. Goosebumps cover my flesh under the warm water. He smirks as he continues his exploration, fully aware of what he’s doing to me.
“I didn’t come in here to feel you up. I came because I know you needed someone, and I wanted to be the one to comfort you. I’m glad this is taking a turn for the better, but I just want you to know I came here for you,” Phoenix says as he stops touching me for a moment.
I grab his hands and place them back on my body. I need his physical touch; I crave it right now. “I need you,” I rasp out.
Phoenix freezes at my words, taking in what I said. He locks eyes with me, and his gaze bores into my soul, allowing me to see how much he needs me too. How did I ever miss the need in his eyes before? I wish I had noticed earlier, but instead of focusing on the ‘what if’s’, I kiss him like my life depends on it. “We’ll take this at your pace, Phoenix. I don’t want to do anything that’ll make you uncomfortable,” I say in between kisses.
He nods his head and kisses me back, his hand exploration moving lower, and wraps his hand around my length. I moan at the touch, and my hips involuntary move, thrusting into his hand. He chuckles and kisses his way down my throat as he fucks my cock with his hand. I never thought a hand job could feel so fucking good. I tilt my head to allow Phoenix more room for his mouth. He sucks at a spot that makes my knees weak, and I can feel his teeth grazing my neck and nipping lightly.
“If you don’t stop, I’m going to come in your hand, and I want this to last as long as possible,” I say with a groan.