As I work him with my hand, I see a bead of pre-cum leaking from the tip of his cock. Hesitantly, I flick my tongue out to taste it, and when he hits my taste buds, I find him salty and a little musky. It's not a bad flavor, just odd; I want more of it though. So, I wrap my lips around his tip and tongue that little hole as best I can to get more of his flavor in my mouth.
Aidan must enjoy what I’m doing. He grabs my hair, wraps it around his wrist, and shoves all the way to the back of my throat. I gag around him, not sure what to do next. I feel so fucking full, and as he fucks my face hard and fast, saliva drips down my chin. Aidan hits the back of my throat, cutting off all oxygen as he groans his pleasure but then pulls back out, allowing air to pass through.
I gulp in some much-needed oxygen and look up at Aidan with a smile on my face. I like the way he fucks, even if it’s just my mouth. I thought giving a blow job would be uncomfortable, but I understand why these guys love it so much. It’s addicting to watch the person fucking you lose control with the pleasure only I can give them in the moment.
When he sees my smile, he taps his dick to my mouth, so I open wide and let him slide past my lips. He works his way to the back of my throat, slowly this time, setting a different pace from before, and I grunt out a protest as best I can with my mouth full.Aidan chuckles above me, and I feel the vibrations throughout his body as he picks up the pace once again.
“So, you like it rough then, baby, don’t worry. Sir and I will take good care of you. Just keep your pretty lips wrapped around my cock, and I will do all the work,” Aidan coos.
I moan in delight and try to nod my head, but I’m unable to with the way his hand is wrapped around my hair. He gets the message, though. As Aidan fucks my face, I feel Knox move next to me and rest his hands on the waistband of my shorts. He tugs them down, so they pool around my knees. He can’t take them off while I’m in this position, so for now it will have to do.
I feel Knox at my back, his warmth radiating against my body. Not sure what he’s planning, but my spine straightens just a little, and I feel him lean closer, so his chest is touching me. A moment later, a hand wraps around my cock. Fuck my life. Being sandwiched between these two is going to make me come faster than ever before.
Knox starts moving his hand at the same pace Aidan is fucking my mouth, and it’s absolutely maddening. This is worse than having both of their hands on my body at the same time. I moan as Knox and Aidan work in unison to bring my pleasure to new heights.
My jaw is starting to get sore from being fucked for so long, and I don’t know how he’s lasted this long. If it were me, I would’ve blown my load five minutes ago. Aidan must notice my discomfort, and he slides out of me.
“Your mouth is so fucking good, Phoenix. I can’t wait to do that again, but I will give you a break for now,” he tells me.
Looking up at him, I give a pleased smile. I’m glad I was good enough for him. I didn’t want it to be bad, and from how hard his dick is, I think I passed giving my first blow job with flying colors. Now, I just have to figure out how to do that without my jaw tensing up so badly next time. Because there will be a nexttime. I liked this a little too much to consider it a one-and-done situation.
Knox is still pumping my cock in his hands, and I feel like I’m on the edge of another orgasm. He knows it from the sounds I’m making and releases me. Fuck, the man likes to edge me. This is the second time already that I’ve been close to coming and he pulls away before I can. Fucking sadistic asshole.
I turn to glare at Knox, and he just gives me a knowing smirk. Grumbling, I get to my feet and sit on the bed again; damn my knees fucking hurt. How does Meadow stand to be on the ground like that for so long? I give her props because I’ve seen her suck all three of us off in one night without moving from the floor. I guess I’ll need to work on that if this becomes a regular thing. I sure hope it does.
As I relax on the bed, I wait for instructions on what to do next because I’m so out of my comfort zone it’s not funny. I look at Knox, knowing he’s controlling tonight's outcome, especially after the asshole edged me twice already. He looks at Aidan and nods. What the fuck does that mean? I question in my head, and before I can ask it out loud, Aidan moves above me and straddles my lap.
I must look like a deer in headlights because he just laughs and tells me to grab my dick and place it at his entrance. “Umm... Aren’t we supposed to use lube or something?” I comment.
He laughs again and tells me Knox’s come is still in his ass and that's lube enough. Well, if he says it’s enough, then who am I to judge? I’ve never had anything in my ass before, so I just grab my cock and line it up at his puckered hole. When Aidan feels me at his entrance, he slowly sinks down, one glorious inch at a time.
“Holy fuck!” I shout. This feels way to fucking good; he’s so tight and warm. Wow... I never thought this would feel as good as it does. Once Aidan reaches my pelvis, and my entire cock islodged in his ass, I release a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. He doesn’t let me get used to the feeling for long before he starts bouncing up and down, riding my cock. As he bounces, I see his own dick doing the same, so I reach out and start stroking him, which only makes him ride me harder.
A few minutes later as I continue to pump him as he rides me, I feel him thicken in my hand and Aidan’s moves become wild and frantic before he warns me that he’s about to come. Something about the way he says that makes me ride out my release while he does the same, his release covering my chest in spurts.
Heaving out a breath, I can’t help but smile. That was the best sex I’ve had in a long time, and it was with my best friend. I’m fucking spent, and the glistening of sweat and cum on both our bodies shines in the light, making me laugh at the sight. I guess we need to shower and wash this off us.
Aidan moves, my dick pops out of him, and I grunt at the loss of warmth. But I know we have to clean up. I look over to Knox and realize he touched himself to the sight of us and cum litters his chest and stomach as well. Guess we all had a happy ending tonight. Well, almost all of us.
Chapter 8
Ipry one eye open and notice the sun peeking through the blinds, trying to burn my damn retinas. I’m sweaty and hot as fuck. Opening the other eye without trying to burn that one off, I take notice of my surroundings.
A heavy arm is wrapped around my waist. I look down to find who it belongs to, and I immediately know from the tanned skin and tattoos that Knox is the one holding me tight. I glance over my shoulder and see Aidan sleeping on the other side of me. No wonder I’m fucking hot, I’m in the middle of a meat sandwich—the most delicious kind. We’re all still naked from cleaning up and passing out in bed.
I feel Knox’s erection poking me in the stomach and Aidan’s poking me in the ass. I assumed that when I woke up, I would regret last night's activities but, right now, all I feel is happiness and love. Being in the middle of these men gives me kind of a weird feeling, but I won’t complain. I love cuddling and being in between these two is fucking amazing.
“How are you feeling after last night?” a raspy voice asks, pulling me out of my train of thought.
When I look at Knox, I realize he’s awake now and staring at me, waiting for my reaction. He won’t find one, well not a bad one anyway. “I can honestly say that was one of the most amazing nights of my life. I just have to figure out what it all means now. My brain is confused with my awakening, but I’m not mad about it or regretting it, if that's what you're thinking,” I tell him honestly.
His response is to pull me closer and press his lips to mine. The kiss isn’t rough like I expected, no, it's soft and tender like he wants to cherish this moment with me. I hum into his mouth, wanting more. I like the rough side of him that I’ve never felt before.
Knox must sense what I’m silently asking for because the kiss grows rougher, more possessive. He takes control of my mouth, and I just groan in delight as I feel my cock start to harden. Fuck this man sure does know how to kiss; I can’t wait to do it more often.
Far too soon for my liking, he pulls away, and we are both left breathless, our cocks hard. I’m relieved but a little sad at the same time as I wanted to keep exploring, but he must have known I needed time to sort through the shit in my head. Plus, I feel super fucking guilty since we haven’t checked on Meadow yet. FUCK! WE HAVEN’T CHECKED ON MEADOW YET!