His eyes are still watering, and he swallows a few times.
“Thank you. That was incredible,” I whisper, and I mean it.
His eyes still look glazed from his own orgasm, which draws my attention to him still being bound and covered in cum.
“Let’s get cleaned up,” I say, and go to the bathroom to turn on the shower. I let it heat up while I return and rip the film wrap off him. The stuff can be difficult and it takes me a few minutes to get it all off. It’s not ideal, but it’s an okay substitute for proper equipment, which we can use next time.Next time. I can’t quite believe I’ve found everything I’ve been looking for—or that I had to kidnap him in a forest in the south of England to do it, when he’d been right under my nose at work all along. I just hope Jamie thinks the same way.
I gather him into my arms and carry him to the shower, stepping in with him.
“Can you stand?” I ask.
“I think so,” Jamie replies, and I set him down gently, holding him until he’s steady on his feet. I reach for the shower gel, and once I have some lather, I gently wash him all over.Then I grab some shampoo, carefully massaging it into his scalp while he leans on me. He doesn’t say anything, but he looks pretty tired and I’m not sure when he last got some sleep.
I quickly wash myself, taking no notice of the interest my cock has in having Jamie naked in front of me. He does, though, as he looks down at it when it thumps into him. He glances up at me, his face forming a cheeky but weary grin.
“I don’t think I can manage it again tonight.”
“You’re adorable.” I laugh, but the fact he would be willing to do it again lets loose the hope I’ve been holding in.
I turn off the shower, grab a large towel, and begin drying him off. Once he’s dry, I towel myself off. He looks so beautiful, and I lean down to kiss him. It’s a little awkward as he’s short, so instead I pick him up, pleased when he wraps his arms round my neck and his legs round my waist.
I carry him to the bed and set him down where he rests back on the pillows.
“Do you want anything to sleep in?” I ask, and he shakes his head. Well, that suits me just fine too.
“Can I get you a drink? I think there’s some hot chocolate.”
“Yes, please,” he says, and I go to fill the kettle.
When I return with two steaming mugs, my heart sinks at the sight of him.
He’s holding his phone and is staring at the screen, tears falling down his cheeks.
I place the mugs down and climb onto the bed.
“What is it, cutie?” I ask, but he doesn’t respond. He’s starting to frighten me. “Jamie, what’s wrong?”
He doesn’t say anything, but hands his phone over to me. I scroll through message after message of bile and hatred, name calling and threats. It’s disgusting, and I can see how much it affects him. It absolutely breaks my heart to see him so upset.
“Is this Aiden?” I ask, and he nods his affirmation.
“This can be reported as harassment. Do you want to do that?”
“I don’t. I just want to forget about it all.” His voice is dull, all his previous spark now gone.
I barely hesitate before deleting the entire thread and blocking the number. Then I hand him back his phone and he puts it down. I gather him in my arms.
“He’s not going to be able to hurt you anymore.”
“Thank you, Captain,” he whispers.
“I’m looking after you now, okay?”
He cuddles into me and it’s perfect. His small frame fits so well against my huge body, like matching puzzle pieces.
He’s silent for a while, and I wonder if he’s fallen asleep, but then he stirs and looks up at me. His large blue eyes, which captivated me the first time I saw him earlier today, are still slightly damp. Damn, was it only today I met him? It seems like a lifetime.
“What is it, cutie?” I ask, smoothing his hair back from his face.