Page 81 of Royally Drawn

“You… love me?”

“Je t’aime,” I said. “Yes.”

She blushed and shook her head. “I… I don’t…”

“You don’t need to tell me you love me,” I said. “I’m not going to force you to say anything. And you won’t offend me if you don’t say it back, Ingrid. I want to be honest with you—always.”

She nodded. “I’m not upset. Just… shocked.”

“That makes two of us.”

Ingrid leaned in and kissed me slowly. At least she wasn’t upset with my admission. Pressing her lips to mine felt better than before. I felt so calm, safe, and incredibly at home with her. I wanted every moment to feel this good. I never wanted to leave this little stateroom. Unfortunately, we needed to.

I pulled away. “There’s going to be fireworks in…”

I checked my watch. “Like fifteen minutes.”

She kissed me again as if to reassure me. “Okay. You go ahead. I need to fix my makeup once more and take a moment.”

“Sure.” I kissed her on the forehead and left. I didn’t want to leave her.

Above deck, I spotted Alexandra with Rick. She glared at me. I shouldn’t have stopped to speak to her, but I was also full of righteous indignation. I stopped, stared her directly in the eyes, and didn’t dare bow.

“She’s putting herself back together,” I said. “And… I know you maydoubtmy intentions, but… I do care about her.”

“I beg your pardon?” Alexandra said.

“I do not think you meant to wound her, but you did. For the record, I don’t want ever to hurt her. I… I love her. And… you probably don’t care about my feelings, but… you hurt her feelings.”

Alexandra’s face dropped.

“You do realise who you are talking to?” Rick said.

He was bound to call me out. I probably would have done the same in his position.

“No, Rick, it’s… fine.” Alexandra’s face softened. “I’m sorry. I said some things I probably shouldn’t. I worry about her. You’re older, and I assumed you weren’t serious. I thought it might be puppy love. She’s young, Keir.”

“There isn’t anything wrong with those things,” I said, “but if anyone is head-over-heels and over their head, it’s me. I adore her. Please don’t think ill of Ingrid for giving me a chance.”

Rick backed down as if retreating.

Alexandra nodded. “Thank you for being… honourable. But you both should mind yourselves more. Ingrid is new to everything.”

“I know,” I chuckled. “But if you have met my cousins, you would realise Ingrid is a saint. No one faults her.”

Rick nodded. “We want to take care of her. She’s… she’s the baby.”

“I get it,” I agreed. “And in your position, I understand that impulse. If we were talking about Betty, I’d probably have choice words for any man in this position, but please trust me when I say I have no intention of hurting her. I’m far from perfect, but I love her.”

Ingrid approached, face concerned.

“It’s fine,” Rick said. “Keir was just… chatting. Why don’t you all go get a drink?”

“Indeed,” Alexandra added. “Go, enjoy yourself. I am sorry for speaking to you as I did, Ingrid. It was unfair. This is a happy day. Go, drink. Be merry or whatever.”

Ingrid took my hand. We walked towards the bar. As we waited in line to order, she dropped her head onto my shoulder, leaning on me. For a moment, I could picture us happy. I could dream of us growing something real.

A Million I-Love-Yous