Keir and I swayed to the music in the lowlights of Cici’s reception. The old people retreated, and the day was done. Cici and Isak were happily wed, having already run off together for the evening. They snuck out without so much as a word. I didn’t blame them. They’d been so in love all day. I cried during the wedding. I was a sap in the end.
“It was cheeky of them to leave,” I said. “But ingenious.”
“The prince got the girl. The kingdom got its happy ending,” Keir said. “And they departed into a happily-ever-after.”
I smiled. “It was sweet. It was a fairytale, wasn’t it?”
“I dunno. It’s funny to watch. Strange that any of us are mature enough to commit to such a massive thing in front of all those people, but I am happy for them.”
“They are so happy. They work well together.”
“They do,” Keir agreed. “I never thought she’d ever fall for Edina’s little brother. Nor did I think he’d ever manage to keep Cici’s attention. Love finds a way or some such.”
“I could say the same about Astrid and Parker, but now… you couldn’t picture them with anyone else. Or Alexandra and Rick.”
“Funny how that happens.”
It was. And it was funny to think he loved me—and that he’d repeated it this afternoon after we arrived back at the palace. He didn’t care that I hadn’t said it back—per him—but I wanted to say more. I just wasn’t sure I could yet. How did this man love me?
I gazed at him, happy and content. “I want to tell you what you want to hear.”
“I want you to say it because you love me, not because you feel I want to hear it.”
“I know. And I hope I will say a million I-love-yous someday, Keir. I just cannot say ityet.”
He kissed me, and the world stopped. He made my knees weak and my heart race. I wanted to stop time for an eternity. I knew it might be ages until I saw him again once we returned to our respective places. My schedule would pick up. There was no telling how we’d make it work. I wished this fantasy we lived in was never-ending.
“Can I stay with you tonight?” He asked.
I nodded. “I want you. Who knows what happens in a couple of days? I want you to do everything to me.”
“Well, obviously, I will,” Keir chuckled. “But I also just want to wake up next to you. I want to soak up the morning sun with you.”
I smiled.
“It sounds stupid. I know I sound mad,” Keir groaned.
“You don’t, baby. I live for the morning light, and I want that, too.”
I kissed him as the song ended. A booming Swedish pop song began, but we stood still, unable to tear ourselves away. I didn’t care who saw us. I didn’t care if Alex got cross with me over my ill-advised PDA. I wanted people to talk. I wanted them to know I was his and he was mine. It was incredible, but he wasmine.
“Let’s go to bed,” I said.
“Sure,” Keir agreed.
We ignored all the reasons and fled to my guest room. I was grateful I had taken my tiara from earlier so as to not slow us down. Keir kissed me for a long while as I threw his tie aside and unbuttoned his shirt. I longed for him to be with me in bed—naked, warm, and making everybit of me tingle. He pulled back, taking me in. Somehow, everything changed for us.
I turned. “You’re going to have to get me out of this dress.”
He kissed the nape of my neck tenderly, then unzipped it. I melted at his touch. It was unexpectedly tender.
My dress dropped to the floor. I stepped out of it. By now, he was undressing neatly.
I giggled. “I’m a chaos goblin, and you’re Mr Perfect.”
“Force of habit,” Keir said. “Inspections. Everything must be perfectly pressed and stored with care.”