Page 31 of Royally Drawn

She left, Leah and I both watching her close the door to my stateroom as she did.

“She’s going to verbally abuse Lars,” Leah said. “She has her mother’s ability to scare men into submission. I’m sorry for my fucked-up family.”

“It’s… you all area lot. Coming in as an outsider is fucking intimidating. Everyone is so outspoken. Being withjustthe Norwegians… it’s not nearly as chaotic as all of you together. I’m used to women, right? A lot of them. Men are still new to that. And I do not like it if I’m being honest.”

Leah snickered. “I honestly love both sets—for different reasons—but I appreciate the camaraderie of a woman-centric space. I just never got it all that often. I had two dads and only one sister. And other than Cecilia and Betty, it’s boy cousins for days. In the family, there aren’t many girls. Sorry. I understand if you nope out and avoid us like the plague, but I’d still be sad.”

“What? Why?”

“You’re a little firecracker,” she laughed. “I wanted to come and tell you not to dull your shine because Lars is being an asshole. He’ll get over it. He always does. He has his father’s whiny streak.”

I snickered. “And temper?”

“Cecilia’s father is the aggro one. Peder was always the brooding, whiny one of the two brothers.”

“I’m swimming in brothers,” I groaned. “I’m so stupid.”

“Why? Because you slept with Keir?”

My mouth dropped.

“He told me,” Leah said. “Or rather, I tortured him until he told me. I am the only one who knows, and I’m not saying anything to anyone. My lips are sealed on this, sweetie.”

“It was stupid.”

“You were smitten—although maybe not as much as he was.”

“I feel stupid because does he even like me, or was I just a prize? He’s not here.”

“Cut him some slack. If he comes to you, he must defend that choice to Lars and risk rocking the boat. I mean, after last night…”

I snickered. “You really can’t help yourself, can you?”

“With the puns, no. They result from genetic defects passed down from my grandfather—the king of a dad joke—to my Papa.”

I giggled. “We have Rick and Rick-isms.”

She smiled. We sat quietly as I gathered my thoughts. I felt safe with Leah. She was so easy to talk to.

“Look, I don’t know if this is stupid, but I hate feeling like an object. It goes beyond ‘the patriarchy,’ as Astrid says. No, it’s due to my history. I was a caged animal for the first twelve years of my life—used for my grandmother’s sick political gain. And when people talk about me like I am a chess piece, it kills me.”

“I don’t think anyone gets that. We all grew up weird but sheltered. My dads took great pains to keep us safe. They didn’t let me bookanythinguntil I was eighteen, and I hated them for it. I was talented, and I wanted to work. When I got my first big gig—Victoria—my life was easy and quiet. Then, everyone wanted to know what I was wearing, who I was fucking, and who I hated every goddamn day. The paps chased me everywhere. It was open season. Now, I get it.”

“But I had no say. And even now, Rick and Alexandra aresoprotective. I’d much prefer to focus on my horses. I’m a goddamn athlete. I’m a fabulous mariner. I am much more than ‘the hot one’, but that is what I am reduced to. Alexandra is the regal one, Astrid is the smart one, Odette is the kid and charitable one, and I am ‘the hot one’. I sprouted boobs overnight and, at fifteen, blossomed into a swan, I guess? Now, all anyone can write about me is that I am hot. Sure, it’s easier to be pretty, but it getsold.”

“I starved myself until I turned thirty. And then one day, I told Lourdes, I’ve got two Tonys, a Grammy, and I am why people go to movies. So, why am I fighting fifteen extra pounds? She was like, ‘fuck ‘em’, and I just stopped caring. Of course, by then, I was established and could tell directors to fuck off. Now, I willbea director—of a big-budget prestige drama someday. But all anyone can ask me about is when I will do a nude scene.”

I grimaced. “I’m so sorry. That’s terrible.”

“It is,” she agreed. “It’s awful. For the record, I think you may have started as a hot commodity. However, I think Keir cares about you. Even if you two are in a weird place right now, he appreciates you. He thinks you’re smart and funny—not just gorgeous, which you are. Idunno. He rarely stays hung up on anyone long but has made it clear he likes you.”

“Still? Even this morning?”

“Especially this morning,” Leah snickered. “Deep breaths. Ignore our idiotic family, please. Just be you. Return to England, focus on horses, and ignore my idiotic cousins.”

A Good Grovel