Page 30 of Royally Drawn

“Anyone want to explain to me what this disturbance in the force is about?” Cici asked. “Because you’ve been in a mood this whole day, Lars.”

“It’s nothing,” he said.

“Nothing? Nothing? You have acted like a kicked puppy,” Isak joked. “What is your problem with Ingrid?”

I fought the urge to toss Lars’s lanky ass overboard. Ingrid didn’t deserve that comment. If I interjected, it would make things worse. He would have come for me if he thought we were together. Since he didn’t, I couldn’t engage. If I did, I’d have to answer that question. I was trapped as Ingrid melted down.

“I’m allowed to have opinions, Lars,” Ingrid said. “I told you the truth.”

“You certainly waited long enough to!”

“Lars, let it go,” I said.

“Oh, this opens the door for you, doesn’t it?” Lars shot me an angry barb.

“You’re being an asshole to her,” I clapped back. “Leave her alone. She’s a nice girl, Lars.”

“One you’d like to have to yourself,” Lars said.

Leah looked at me, then Ingrid. Tears welled in Ingrid’s blue eyes. I wanted to punch my stepbrother for acting like a petulant child.

“He’s drunk,” Duncan sighed.

“Fuck you!” Ingrid shouted. “I’m not an object to be won. All of you—every last one of you beside Cici and Betty—have been placingwagers on who would win this contest. It’s terrible. The lot of you should be ashamed! I’m not a goddamn piece of meat!”

She stormed off.

“Good job, fuckwad!” Nate said, slapping Lars upside the head.

“Why did you do that?” Betty asked, hopping up to chase after her friend. “She’s never going to revisit Oslo after that.”

I glared at Lars.

“Oh, don’t give me that look, mate. You wanted her just as much,” Lars said.

I still do.Even more.



“I’m sorry for my stupid brother,” Betty said. “He’s drunk and in his feelings. I think he really liked you.”

“I don’t care what he thinks,” I protested. “He doesn’t get to talk like that to me.”

Betty was sweet, but I needed a moment. I was sick of Lars’s sniping and upset that it seemed like Keir couldn’t care less. What did I expect? Leah was right. I was the one who fucked this all up—for everyone. If I just held it together and ignored them, I’d have done us all a favour. I’d have been able to spare Lars’s feelings with less guilt.

“Sweetie, it’s not your fault.”

I spotted Leah standing in the doorway.

“It certainly feels like it is,” I sniffled.

“What was your crime? Being unrelated to us and hot? I refuse to punish a girl for either,” Leah said. “Betty, sweetie, can you leave us for a moment.”

“You okay?” Betty asked.

I hugged her tight. “I am okay. Thanks for checking on me, dear.”