Page 47 of Love Harder

He was giving me the boyfriend experience and I wanted to believe this was real which, rookie move on my behalf. However, I ignored him because fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice…and I am done.

But he just chased harder until one day, I cracked. I honestly didn’t understand what he wanted from me.

I asked if he had chemistry with other girls and his reply should have been the slap in the face I needed.

I have chemistry with you.

Warning bells because he answered my question in an indirect way. I didn’t see it at the time, but now, I see that Dimples was just feeding me bullshit I wanted to hear. Did he mean it at the time?

I like to believe that he did. But the odds are not in his favor.

Can you guess the rest?

Wednesday came, but he didn’t. I didn’t even know he was back until I saw his socials.

By this stage, this was just humorous.

Mötley and Sparkles were as confused as me. Mötley was my forever angel when I felt defeated in every way saying he had fooled her too. That she was along for the ride this entire time and that he had her believing the shit he said. She too didn’t understand what reason he had to lie.

So I asked what he wanted with me when once again, he wouldn’t leave me alone.

He sent me a video of him blowing me a kiss.

Again, enough to keep me engaged without answering the question at hand. And we all know what this is—breadcrumbing.

I ignored him for a little while and as always, he came back.

Hey we will catch up soon!!! Like super soon. Much later tonight or next week? X I need to kiss that face xx

Again, that never happened.

Hey you, I’m still kinda sleeping off last night. I feel shit, but we can do next week during the week. I will come over and we can do whatever you want.

And did he? No, of course he didn’t.

I had checked out weeks ago, but he wouldn’t leave me alone. He would pester me and honestly, in the end, curiosity won because finally, the day arrived where he PROMISED, like really promised he would see me.

It was a Sunday.

I wasn’t convinced because I knew he would be drinking Saturday night with friends, so he would be hungover come Sunday.

But he promised he would come.

Our birthdays were coming up. Two days apart. He looked up our star signs. What guy does that? No fuckboy puts in that much effort.

Sunday came and the inevitable happened.

I’ve had a big night. So I need to nap a little before I come see you if that’s okay.

Of course, take your time.

I knew where this was headed.

I will probably be late tonight. I hope that’s okay ? like 8:30ish, is that okay?

Take your time. Kisses at the door please.

First thing I’m going to do. Trust me.