But did I really want to go back there?
I was in no way healed from what happened with Ghost, but I couldn’t deny this as a sign from the heavens. I’m a big believerin signs. There are no such things as coincidences, and this right here was a sign that it was time to take back what was stolen from me.
Zuko said he may have accidentally on purpose showed Ghost a photo of me.
I frantically asked what Ghost did when he saw my photo, and Zuko said he stared at the picture for a good twenty seconds before saying he would think about the shoot.
And that was it.
As anticlimactic as it is, Zuko said there was no recognition on Ghost’s face.
Zuko picked up on my panic, and I told him that I thought I knew who Ghost was. I briefly told him our history and asked if he was sure Ghost didn’t recognize me.
He said he simply looked at the photo for a very long time.
Had he forgotten me already? Was I that insignificant to him that he had forgotten I existed?
There was no way I could let this go because this was the opportunity every ghostee wishes for—to get answers and ask the profound question:
Most women would let it go and move on, but I couldn’t. This was a massive sign, and I needed to act on it, and fast.
So I made a decision for me.
I made a decision for every ghostee out there—I was going to face my ghoster and take the power back.
If my story could help others, then I would push aside my fears and do it.
And I did.
I told Zuko that I would come with him and confront Ghost the next time he went to the gym.
And this right here was me taking the power back.
I lost count of how many times I questioned my decision.
What would it achieve?
We had something incredible, but it ended…no sequel.
But it never was the end for me. Ghost never gave me closure. All he did was leave—period.
I was left with this emptiness I could never fill, and I hated it. I was raised to never quit and to always stand up for myself. So even though the thought of seeing Ghost again terrified me, this was happening.
I needed to know if what he said, if what he felt, was real. I needed to know that for this small moment in time, things were how they were supposed to be.
I don’t know why I needed validation. Perhaps I didn’t want to be played a fool. I don’t know. All I knew was that I needed to see Ghost and ask him what happened.
I spoke to a few friends about it, and honestly, they were split right down the middle. Some said to confront him, while others asked what I hoped to achieve.
His silence was all the answer I needed.
And they were right.
But my pride wouldn’t allow me to let it go.
What right did he have to end things the way he did? I was worth a lot more than being ignored. No, this was happening, and this was happening now.