My brain kicks into gear, and I take a bite of my tamale. The corn masa, spicy beef seasoning, and lemon hit my taste buds in a burst of flavor. “Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.”
We dig in, eating in companionable silence until we’re finished.
“So, what’s the verdict?” she asks.
“I think it’s the best tamale I’ve ever had,” I half lie. This tamale is a close second for sure, but in a way, it’s also the best I’ve ever had because she brought it for me.
She must see right through my lie because she shakes her head and calls me out. “I know you’re lying, but…” She licks her bottom lip, carefully considering her next words. I like this about her. She’s intentional about what she does and doesn’t say. “I’m okay with it.”
I grin at her, and she pushes my shoulder. Her touch sends shockwaves of heat and desire through my body.
“Stop it.”
“I didn’t do a thing.” I raise my hands in surrender. “What else did you get?”
Talia’s eyes light up at the change of subject. She tells me all about her walking food tour while whipping out various food containers and explaining what’s in each one. We sit at the counter eating and talking.
I can’t remember the last time I had such a good time with someone I’m not related to. Hanging out with Talia is as easy as breathing.
Maybe too easy.
My head whips betweenthe note in my hand and my cell phone in the other. One fills me with anxiety while the other sends butterflies soaring in my stomach.
Shoving my phone in the back pocket of my jean shorts, I reread the words that make my heart race and my cheeks flush.
Last night was great. Thank you for dinner. I have a meeting with sponsors that I need to take, so I’ll be home a little later tonight. I hope to see you in our spot after. I’ll be thinking about you and possibly picturing what color bikini you’re going to wear this time.
X, Cam
I bring the note to my chest and inhale, catching a hint of Cam’s spicy bergamot scent lingering on the paper. Heat travels to the apex of my thighs at the mere thought of him and the smell of his heady, masculine … cologne? Body wash? I don’t know what it is, but it’s yummy.
Cam is yummy.
He’s sweet and funny. It’s like I’m a young, giddy high school girl with a crush on the popular guy who is finally paying attention to her. I, too, had a great time talking and eating with him last night.He made me laugh and forget all about the stress of my board results. In fact, I haven’t thought about work since I met him.
He’s nothing like the guy my brother made him out to be. I’ve tried wrapping my head around how Nico doesn’t see the Cam I’ve been getting to know. Nothing makes sense.
My phone weighs a hundred pounds in my pocket as it buzzes again with another text message from my brother.
I lied to Nico last night when he asked me what I was doing for dinner, and I know I’m about to do it again. I knew if I told him I made friends and stayed out, he would have no problem doing the same and it would be the perfect opportunity for me to spend time alone with Cam. If Nico found out I went behind his back to be with Cam, he would be livid.
In his eyes, even talking to Cam is betraying him.
But I can’t stop myself from wanting to spend time with Cameron. If I’m being honest, I want to do a lot more than spend time with him.
Walking over to my suitcase, I flip it open and hide the note Cam left for me next to the other one, in the pocket lining. As I’m closing the bag, my eye catches on the bright jewel-toned fabric of my bathing suit.
I pull out my phone and read the new text.
Nico: Dinner tonight?
Nico: Hey, so, last-minute change of plans. Dame’s here and wants to grab dinner. Want to join?
I’d rather eat dinner in the Arctic, freezing my ass off than eat dinner with Damien. He’s been friends with Nico since high school, but something about him has always rubbed me the wrongway. Aside from him being a womanizing pig—call it intuition or whatever—there is just something off about that guy.