Page 39 of Stolen Bases

Talia: I’m good. I think I’m going to meet up with those girls from the food tour after the street art tour. That okay?

Biting my lip, I wait, watching the three dots move as Nico writes me back.

Nico: Cool. Be safe and have fun. Glad you’re making friends. Use my car service account for a ride home. I might be out late.

Talia: I will. Thank you. Don’t have too much fun.

Guilt gnaws on the lining of my intestines as I send my response, but I push it away. If I wasn’t here, this is what Nico would do anyway—meetings, baseball practices, and going out with the guys. This is all the usual for him.

Nico: I can’t make any promises.

I don’t bother returning Nico’s last text. He doesn’t need his little sister to remind him of his responsibilities.

Before this trip, I never really thought about what he did outside of baseball. I hope he doesn’t do anything stupid. He’s been going out a lot more lately, and I’m worried about him.

He’ll talk when he’s ready. For now, I’m going to give him space to figure it out, so I can have the same space to figureout what’s happening between me and the one man I shouldn’t get involved with.

The gliding of the glass door has Cameron turning his gaze to me as I step through. Like the other night, he beat me to our spot, and I spent a good thirty seconds taking in him and his shining hard body.

“Hey.” I swallow down the lump in my throat. He makes me nervous and excited all at the same time.

“Hey yourself, beautiful.”

I fight the shiver his husky voice sends through me as my eyes dart to the towel knot at my chest. I don’t understand why I am acting so timid with him. Guys have given me compliments before, but it hits different with him.


At the concern in his voice, my eyes jump to his unique hazel ones.

Brow scrunched and concern etched across his face, he says, “If you don’t want to stay, I’ll understand.”

My heart melts at his offer. I shake my head. “No, I want to be here … with you.”

The smile Cam gives me at my confession hits me like an arrow to the heart.

“I want to be here with you, too.”

A breath catches in my lungs, and my heart jumps as the air between us grows thick with tension. I stand there, staring at him while he sits in the bubbling jacuzzi.

Okay, those stupid gossip magazines have it right. Cameron Miller is the sexiest man alive.

His biceps flex and ripple as he moves them to rest along the back of the hot tub. I can’t help but gawk at Cam’s pecs as he chuckles. “Well, are you going to get in, or do I have to come and get you?”

His question snaps me out of my daze. My cheeks flame at the embarrassing way I was just staring at him, like he’s some sort of sexy man-meat trophy to be objectified. Cam smiles wider at my obvious shame spiral.

Finding my confidence, I say, “I’m just taking my time. Problem?” Dropping my towel to the ground, I stand before Cam in nothing but the turquoise bikini Sofia bought me for this trip.

He brings his fist to his mouth, biting it. “Fuck, itty bitty. You look even sexier than I imagined.”

I don’t wear bathing suits as revealing as this, but with the way Cam is looking at me, I might have to more often. For him.

“Really?” I ask, my voice shaky.

Cam’s grin turns predatory as he checks me out. His eyes burn a path along my skin as he peruses every inch of my body. “Fuck yeah. Baby, I need you to get into the water right now and cover up before I jump out, throw you over my shoulder, and take you to my room to fuck you all night long.”

My pussy floods with desire as a small moan vibrates in the back of my throat at his dirty declaration and the way he called me baby.

Like a fawn with trembling legs, I climb the steps up the side of the hot tub. Cam reaches out a hand for me, guiding me into the water. The electricity I am starting to associate with his touch shoots up my arm as I take a seat across from him.